I know, I have be n quite remiss in my blogging duties. Nothing since last Sunday. I will try to bring all up to date, as memory allows.
Right now, Saturday, I am sitting in the exam room at Urgent Care. I hurt myself last night. See, it’s like this, yesterday I took my trailer out of storage. By myself. It only weighs 550 lbs so not bad. There is a lip in the concrete out of the unit and a slight downhill once out for drainage. So uphill in, and over the lip. Much harder.
Of course, you are wondering why I had the trailer out in the first place. Well, the trailer guy, who’s built my teardrop and sold to me has come up within a new design for a box that fits nicely on the tongue of the trailer. It has locked access on each end via a drawer pullout. One end has the ice chest and generator, the other a stove, has and storage. Weighs 80 lbs. there is also a built in fold out table top. Anyhow, I finally got the installation done on Friday. Had to pull it up to Auburn early am and wait, but I got it. And he gave me a 30% discount. It pays to keep in touch. Marika and I hope to take it out soon.
Afterward I drove down the hill and met up with Hal in Roseville. We had some things to discuss on other deals and had been having trouble connecting. We met, discussed, and I was off. Stopped at Roseville Meat Co for tonight’s BBQ. Got some nice red meat. Marika is coming home tonight and we are making a nice dinner. Her cat, Vlad, is staying with us for the next week. He’s a pill.
Drove to the office. Picked up the banking and managed a few tasks before I left to go store the trailer. Which is where this story began.
When I arrived at the storage place it was about 615. I unhooked, and tried to move the trailer around. I quickly realized this would be very difficult to accomplish. So what did I do? Tried anyway. Every trick I could think of. Finally, I tried coming at a sharp angle and turning sharply in. That got me halfway. And stuck. I called home for reinforcements. So I waited patiently for them. No, I got behind the trailer and lifted, pushed and rocked it to get it in the unit. And, popped a muscle in my calf, which I swear I heard but probably only felt. Not good. Now I decided waiting for help might be a good thing.
Cavalry arrived and the ladies took over the muscle portion. Emily was much better at it than I was. I steered, no muscle from me, and we got it put away.
Which tells u why I am at the Dr office on Saturday.
I got home from storage and made Mai Tais. Liquor makes everything better, I think. And if it doesn’t, at least you don’t care anymore. We bbq’d the steaks, and veggies and had a nice salad. Marika picked out a nice red from my vast collection of 15 bottles. It was a nice choice. See, sometimes liquor is the answer.
I took some aspirin. I iced my leg in bed as I slept. I woke up and it still hurt. We will see.
The rest of the past week, which was unpublished, had very little going on. Day to day stuff, workouts, work, dinner. Usual stuff. All details now lost to history unless I make something up. I will think on that.
Dr came in. Did her exam and figured out what she was wrong in two minutes. I got a boo-boo. I need to rest and ice the injury for a few days. Take ibuprofen. The usual. Stay on crutches till Monday. Where this lovely thing which is only available in black. I wanted more Oxblood or a wingtip. Oh well. The boot stays for 3 or so days. Rest for a week, and ease back into things. And, best of all, the Dr used me as an example. She brought in a Jr doctor to see the injury. Turns out it’s quite swollen and discolored. Which I had not noticed. It is on the back of my calf. Maybe I can end up in JAMA.
So at least my day was painfully exciting. And I got to do something new. Don’t be jealous. I am hoping tomorrow, mother’s Day, is a little more fun.