Usual Day Off

It’s Wednesday. I would love to say something cool about Tuesday but nothing happened. Or almost nothing. Tuesday was May Day. Important to all communists which I am not. I can’t even remember what I was doing. I did keep up with the workouts. I have officially restarted and don’t want to drop it. So hurray for me. Whatever I did at work is totally lost to history. I’m gonna guess not much.

On the drive home I did decide to go skiing on Wednesday. Yes, I know it’s May but Squaw is still open and I still want to ski. So I’m going. And Wednesday is my official day off. There, it’s settled.

It being Taco Tuesday, I stopped at the carniceria to pick up taco Tuesday for dinner. Have not been to Lupita, fave carniceria, in a month. And to think, I was a never miss at Lupita on Tuesday for many years.

We had our meal when I got home. I opened a bottle of red, you know, the kind of wine that pairs with Mexican food. Was a fabulous meal.

We watched a little TV and went to bed. I packed the car just before retiring.

Wednesday, today, I was up at 5am. Dress d and ready in ten minutes. I did make Emilys lunch and fed the dogs before I kissed her goodbye, still in bed, and went out the door.

I stopped at the German bakery for a breakfast sandwich and coffee. Gotta eat, I’m gonna be schussing soon. The drive was nice except the sun was in my face for the first 30 minutes. At least I wasn’t going to work. There was a complete lack of traffic all the way to Squaw Valley. That was weird. Even through Sacramento. I was able to make good time. Excellent time. There was extensive roadwork up in the mountains and still good time. I live right.

The resort parking lot was near empty. I parked in the very front. The temperature was mild. I could have skied without a jacket if I had wanted. I didn’t. I wear clothes and a shell because it’s more comfortable to fall down when clothed. Also, the lift rides are cold when stripped down.

There wasn’t a lot of mountain open. Some of the steeper runs are closed due to conditions. I rode the front side of the top in the sun till 10 to 1030. Best conditions, not to soft until sun was farther up. It was comfortable and easy skiing. Later in the morning the snow started to soften up and I moved to the backside. The sun does not hit there till afternoon. So the snow on the back was hard and crispy. Not as much fun as the front. I skied on it till near lunchtime and called it a day. Plenty of skiing. I did not ski down the mountain run to the bottom. I spoke to another skier and he said the bottom was miserable to ski on. I rode the tram instead. Very relaxing.

The trip down to the flatlands seemed long and boring. Though, there was really no traffic to speak of. So I drove quickly but it felt slow. I stopped in Auburn for gas and to see if the trailer shop was still open. I still want to get the “kitchen in a can” as an add on to my trailer. Well, the shop was closed. Again. I am beginning to worry there is a problem. I called the shop from out front and the answering machine was on. And a few minutes down the highway I got a message from Linda at the trailer shop so I guess things are ok. I hope. Will call back.

Since it was early, I went to work for a few. Plus I needed to cover for Cara who had to leave early to take Merissa to the dentist. Work was slow but I did get a visitor. Rick Frisk and Tracilea came by to pick up some legal docs which were sent to my address. We had a nice talk about all the work I did for them, what is happening in other common companies, and when I might get paid. Which is most important. Nice talk.

I got a call from my real estate broker and he felt an offer was imminent on my property on Professional drive. That was the days good news.

I finished out my day still trying to catch up on all the things I was not able to accomplish due to tax season workload. I am really trying hard to get caught up. Maybe by next tax season. I hope.

Just to finish out my week, I did not work out on Thursday but I did on Friday. 3rd workout for the week. Trying to get back into the habit of 4x per week. I dropp d workout when we sold the house and had to move. During tax season. Yikes.

Friday night we went out for Tapas in Winters. And sangria because that’s part of the Tapas was xperience. Maybe the other way around. A very nice evening. While in Winters we did our club wine pick up at Turkovich. We have missed the pick up party last two times. But it’s still waiting for us when we get there. I got an extra bottle of sparkling wine to even out our bag.

Tomorrow we are driving down to Visalia to visit my dad. And go out to dinner. And hang out. Dad does not get out much. Will report on visit tomorrow.

After we got home I made cocktails. Emily had a direct request for an old fashioned. So I had one too. Not good to see her drink alone. People would talk. We had a little dessert of shortbread and lemon cheesecake. With a little bad TV. Then off to bed. Big day Saturday.