Breakfast with Books

Woke early this morning, and actually got up. 6am. Emily has to cart a bunch of food to school for Green Eggs and Ham Day and Breakfast with Books. The green egg thing is part of Dr Seuss week. BWB is a long ago creation of Emily’s. She brings food in before school, to he gym, kids show up with their favorite book and sit around reading and eating breakfast. Sounds simple and easy. It is neither. I have been the deliverer, pick up guy, bank for food, etc over the last twenty years. It’s expensive and time consuming. The kids love it. Which would be the point.

So she was out the door by seven and on her way. I stayed behind, had little chocolate donuts for brekkie, snatched from the BWB stash. Read my paper. Then made a few calls to switch over utilities and such to the new address. We move on Monday. Whilst doing all this Emily called me. I had to go pick up all the leftover food from the BWB. Emily buys a ton and there is usually leftover. There was one box of mini donuts and another of applesauce. Yum. I love the mini wax covered chocolate donuts. The fact there is paraffin in the chocolate does not ruin my joy.

I went to Starbucks on the way to school. I was sure Emily needed another cup of coffee. It turns out, she did. I am a mind reader.

Went home and forgot to unload the food from my car. So it remained there all day. It’s cold as hell so prob no problem. Though I should mention Emily grabbed the bag of corned beef when she grabbed all the food this morning. And took it with her to BWB. Amazing. So that was in my car all day.

I finished paying the monthly bills. Then headed off to work. I went by the Honda dealer on the way to get parts for my armrest. I have lost the bolt and cover that attach it to the seat. I had it off to get it upholstered in red leather. But then lost the parts.

Made my parts order and a service appointment as well and went to work. Got to love work.

The day was spent on tax appointments, phone calls, emails and preparing returns. I know how jealous everyone is. Not at all.

The weather was lousy all day. I watched the downpour and it was continuous. When I left for home it was still pouring down. Makes for a really fun drive. I went home via Northgate Blvd, a route I almost never use. But abclient called and wanted me to come by his new shop and see how it looked. He owns several other businesses sonone more is not to exciting.

I got home kinda late. Emily had already started on leftovers for dinner. Which is fine. We always go out to dinner on Friday night so I was surprised. We had a pleasant dinner and she was ready for bed. I cleaned up and now I am in bed too. Must be bedtime.