
Today is Friday and the first day of President’s Weekend. Hardly much of a day off for us. Though, Emiky is still in bed taking advantage of sleep in time. I woke early because the day is full and I want to work out. Which makes it longer and fuller. I must be crazy.

Workout will be same same. But, after workout the show really begins. Starts at rental pod early am to get things for sale. That will not be fun. Couple hours easy. After that I have the whole day full of appointments and such till I go home. At home I will be getting ready for sale. Mover is bringing forty boxes to fill up too. Sound like a holiday weekend? More later. Come back, inquire within.

Emily and I managed to get to the pod and grab a few things for the sale. Large upholstered chair, several hundred feet of garden hose, a couple chairs, odds and ends. Usual sale stuff I guess.

Ran it all back home and dropped off. Then I ran to work. Had to postpone one tax appointment but managed to make the other right behind it. One out of two is not so bad. After that I just tried to organize the dump of documents I have received in the last two days. Took a couple hours just to neaten all of it up. And make calls. And go through a hundred emails. And the mail. And go to the bank and straighten out the banker so I could get my accounts open. Towards the end of the day I managed to get into some tax returns and finish a couple. Like that’s my job, right? Stayed too late but managed to finish up some taxes. I did finally get out of the office. And go home. Emily had made dinner. A very nice salad, and some stuffed mushrooms. I would call it a great dinner. I made a rhubarb crisp for dessert. With ice cream. I didn’t make that. But, it was the essence of awesomeness. I love rhubarb.

We tried to watch the Olympics on on our large screen. The sound has stopped working and we can not figure out what the problem is. TV has a great picture and no sound. Very difficult to watch anything on it. So we go upstairs and watch. Small screen. With sound.

I am going to go wash the dishes. And put the dogs out and lock up. And turn off the soundless TV.