So It Begins

So far, tax season has been calm and easy. Well, today I have four appointments starting at noon. I think it starts now. The complete hell of it is a couple weeks off but today will suck. No time for eating or going to the can. No time to take calls (yay). Just straight yakking with people who are usually in a tax mood – nervous, unhappy, needy. Sounds fun, no? No. But I chose this, over thirty years ago, so I blame myself. Such a living. I shoulda been a forest ranger. Or maybe a Power Ranger. The black one cuz he was coolest.

I do earn money on each appointment. That’s the part that keeps me moving through my day and forward to the next. It’s mercenary, but it’s the only real joy left in a job of thirty years. And that is not real joy. Ok, cynicism gone please. Gonna be a bright, bright, bright sun shiny day!

It is workout time and I am blogging. Waiting for Emily to be out the door. Here she comes.

And I am off. To workout. Well nothing exciting in today’s trip to the gym. Talked to another gym rat about snow quality (bad) and cover (also bad). But otherwise a workout like all others.

Made it to the body shop to payoff Emilys recent work. Nice visit. Had to run off quickly to Sacramento cuz I have an appointment in 35 minutes. Which I was three minutes early for. Yay for team Bill. Client owns an HVaC company. Brought in the personal stuff to go with the corporate. Managed to finish both. Which means quick pay for me. Again yay.

That appointment was followed by several more. After all that I spent the remainder of my day finishing those returns. Got all done but one. Again yay.

Off to home and found Emily and Marika. Marika had called during the day. She has the flu and is in horrid condition. I called her Uncle, he lives close by her, and asked him to pick her up and take her to the doctor. He did. He wins best uncle award. Turns out it is stomach flu and not the other awful kind. Though she is in sorry shape. Emily drove to Santa Rosa and brought her home. Which is why I found her here.

Emily and I ate dinner without her. She is in no shape to be eating pasta in tomato meat sauce. She is still puking. Maybe something in the morning.

We are watching the Olympics. Half pipe competition. Very cool. Always fun. Missed the downhill earlier. Oh well. Emily has gone up to bed. I am going to take Marika up for a bath. Might help her feel better. She still has a fever. Body aches. Claims she can’t walk. Drama queen. Sick drama queen.

Off to help them off to bed.