Last January Monday

It’s 740 pm. Do you know where your blog post is? Not written.

Em and I just finished dinner. Caesar salad with tri tip on it. A side of deep fried avocado. Which was good, strangely. Emiky has been in Vacaville after work cuz she really needed to go to The Rack. Needed. Sure. Anyway, she bought herself a pair of pants and since she was right there she picked up dinner for us.

My day ended pretty much the way it started. I was finishing a tax return for client Rob from Placerville. Nice guy. Has a good world view. Has several companies so I get to do several tax returns. Which I like quite a bit. I made two trips to the bank prior to that during my day. Trying hard to get the accounts for my LLC opened. The bank wanted an operating agreement. Which I provided to them. But later in the day they wanted a different type of operating agreement which I provided and hen they wanted the other members to sign too. These bank assholes don’t know what they want. They are stupid. Prior to my bank trips I was tax returning it most of the morning.

My lovely counterpart, was in class for the 100th day of school. She dressed up as a 100 year old woman for the day. She is cray cray. But she did look the part of old lady. Some of her kids, on their own, also dressed up as same. It is nice to see the kids getting into it. I stopped by after going by the body shop with Emilys car. There is a new scratch and dent up front left and Emily loves her car. So we got to fix it. Monday.

After workout this morning, and shower, I had to go to the body shop with Emilys car. Yesterday, while I was at Safeway, I took her car, someone put their big tire into the front left bumper and quarterpanel of her car. I got blamed, of course. I really love damagingbit and then paying for body work. It’s my thing. Right. Anyway, since we know the owner of Superior Auto Body, I went to school and got her car and went to Superior.

Alex at Superior was nice. But, let’s face it, we are good customers. Mostly because my wife wants her car perfect all the time. So I had an estimate done. I am going to have him fix all problems while I’m there. Might as well.

My workout this morning, lower body, is a short workout. So I added an elliptical session at the end. Nothing big. I would like to be in better shape so a little extra can’t hurt.

Marika was home this morning. She came home for dinner last night and stayed over. Said she had to leave by 730 to make her 10am class. At 730 she was in our bed having moved over from her own at 645. I left for my workout so I hope she made the trip to class on time.

It’s 840 pm. I have been at this for an hour. Crazy what I do for art. We have been watching rerun TV for true last hour. I am not really paying attention.
Emily is riveted, isn’t that obvious. Fortunately it’s bedtime.