Half Way to New Year

Its difficult to get any work done during the week between Christmas and New Years. People dont show up for work, clients are not in the office, no one wants to do what work needs to be done. Perhaps we should all take the entire week off every year. I am ready for it if the world can take the idea seriously.

We all, three of us, had doctor appts this morning. Emily has a sore thumb and she finally wants to find out why. I suspect it’s arthritis, after all, we aint getting any younger. Michael and I each had dentist appointments at Dr Teds. We dont have sore thumbs but do need attention given to our teeth.

I hate going to the dentist. Its pinful, its uncomfortable, you have no control, and you lie on your back completely vulnerable. Doesnt that sound like fun? We had no problems, we have great teeth in this family. Funny thing, I was offered a jar of Ted’s Treats by the dentists wife on my way out of his office. Turns out Dr Ted makes and bottles his own toffee. Which, by the way, is awesome. The funny part, its full of sugar and nuts which are bad for your teeth. So he is either driving business or giving up and moving to the dark side. I dont care which, I get the toffee. I have known Dr Ted for 33 years so Im pretty sure he has my best interests at heart.

Unfortunately I had to go to work after the dentist. Michael and I stopped at Starbucks on the way home to drop him off. We made it ten minutes before we ate and drank. Even though the dentist said wait 30 mins before I eat. Whatever. I dropped off the kid so he could do whatever he does while on vacation. Then off to work for me.

Not much doung at work today. I had an 11 appt. But client Frank came in at 1130. We are trying very hard to get his tax plan done before year end. And thats getting very close. We spent some time going through his notes receivable. We are contributing the notes to an LLC to capitalize his new LLC. I need to get them in order and send them to the attorney.

After that i spent most of my day on emails and phone calls. I did have a little more to do on Franks plan too. I think we will be done on time. Maybe tomorrow if all goes as planned. I spoke to Sheldon Gas about their bullshit move turning off my gas on Christmas Eve. Nice going assholes.

Late in the day, near 5 o’clock, I got a call from my buddy Bob. He was travelling back from Rutherford, through the Berryessa Gap to Winters. He and Renee, his fiancé travelling with him, were stopping in Winters and having dinner at the Buckhorn. That’s a steakhouse. And they invited us to go with them.

So I called Emily and told her and she and Michael headed to Winters. I had a forty minite drive, theirs was 10. By the time I got there they had finished cocktails and nachos. I ordered a Manhattan, happy hour price, and sliders, also happy hour price. The food and drinks are cheap as hell at Buckhorn during this time of happiness. I need to stay away.

We had a really nice time and a nice meal. We stayed out too late. So it was perfect. Though, we were unable to solve any of the worlds problems. My expectations run very high.

We got home and fed the dogs. Michael headedbto his room to entertain himself. I hope in a good way. Emily and I did some laundry. Then we watched Last Man Standing for an hour.

Oh yeah, we have gas and its on. Heater works. Stove works. Emily spoke to Jill at the gas co and gave her a ration of crap. Emily let her know how their actions undermined our holiday. And we are now ex customers. They are not the Sheldon Gas Co I have known. Service is crap. There are plenty of competing gas companies to call.

Now its the News for an hour. Then I hope to go to bed. I slept very poorly last night. Tonight is good sleep. Right?