Worry Wednesday

I woke up at 530 am, an hour earlier than usual. I knew right away I wasn’t going back to sleep. Thoughts started jumping in and out of my head, calisthenics I think. I am worried about Taffy, my dog who is dying. Why worry you say, the vet gave the diagnosis and I should live wih it. Well, I still worry. I might take her to the office today. Just for the extra attention. She has always been a very nervous doggie so I dont know how she will respond but it might help me. Relationships with pets are complicated.

I worked out this morning. I met my coach at nine am. I swear to god that woman knows more ways to create pain than anyone I have ever met. And the warm up exercises are the absolute worst. They seem so innocuous but after a few reps you realize its going to hurt. Now and later. As I sit here on the couch thia evening I am in pain. Waist down. When I got back home this am, I could not walk down the stairs. I hurt. Thank god the lower body workout is only once a week.

Got to work kinda late. I took Taffy with me. Strangely Taffy came to the open car door and climbed in. I figured she wanted to go. When we arrived she was very whiny for attention. That neediness left her after about half an hour. Most of the day she slept. There is a floor mirror in my office. Taffy did bark at the dog in the mirror for a few minutes. She is nuts. And blind.

Had to meet with Hal to go over all at noon to go over all current mutial clients. He was here for 4 hours. Amazing. We made several calls, emails, etc. Went over financial info for one client. I have to prepare a personal financial statement for him for the insurance company. As I write this I can’t figure out how we spent all that time. We were productive but thats quite a meeting.

Managed to get one more thing done prior to leaving. I wrore a response for a client to an IRS notice she received. I called her and we discussed it prior to mailing. That took about an hour.

On the drive home I stopped for pizza. Emily had called and asked me to pick one up. I also got a salad for no other reason than I think I need vegetables. I eat my veggies.

Hit home, let Taffy out. She went around the car, and came up my side and started barking at me. Did I mention she is near blind? She is.

We ate dinner. Emily wathched TV. And I wrapped a few Christmas presents. A nice evening.