Welcome to Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. A national holiday to honor all veterans. It is November 11. I learned all about the holiday in grade school. There is special significance to this exact date going back to the First World War. Fearless leaders in DC made yesterday the fake holiday. Thats because they really do not care for the historical significance of 11/11. All they care to do is give a convenient day off. Whatever the reason. Of course, these leaders have no honor. I cant expect much from them. I need to stop ranting, there was alot yesterday. Enough I think.

Today being Saturday, I get a paper delivered. Lead story, front page, is capture of a mountain lion. You know right away this paper will be a throw away. One story about a veteran on front page. All other holiday activities in 3rd section.

So I finished the paper before I finished coffee and breakfast. This just starts the day all wrong. I know Sundays paper wont be much better, just more in volume. At least that’s still better.

Managed to shower and shave without problems. I had to actially iron my shorts. They had wrinkles beyond belief. I thought they were linen, that bad. But they are an old guy blend of cotton and spandex. Yes, my shorts are for fatties or overweight slobs. I am neither. So I ironed. I look better in ironed clothes. Or, ironed clothes look better on me. Not sure which.

Next task on the weekend workday was washing of the cars. And a little vacuuming. Maybe some wax. But not the full Brazilian. They looked fabulous when I was finished. So did I. Emily was out so not her car. She has a subscription to the local car wash anyhow.

After the washing, i took the convertible down to the local tire shop. That would be Haughn Tire, owned by bestie Jim Haughn. I needed to use their rack to find out what was thunking around underneath the car. After having it on the rack, I have no f…ing idea what is making the noise. Infuriating to say the least. Maybe to say the most. I think I will take her to the dealer and see if they can figure it out. They do a nice job of diagnosing problems. I like my local dealer.

Emily got home after i did. We decided to do a little advent shopping today. Advent, for you poorly informed folk, is the days prior to Christmas. We celebrate advent starting on December 1st. We have an advent calendar which has twenty four large numbered pockets on it. In each pocket goes a small gift. Each person gets to open a gift for every day of advent, 1 to 24 days of December. Got that? So we went out today and started on advent gifts. Could be a toy. A bag of cookies. Who knows? Changes a little every year. So we shopped till we dropped. We also went to the grocery store for split pea soup fixins and to Tommy Bahama to take advantage of their sale. I ended up with 1 item I chose and four Emily chose. Would have been five but one thing was damaged. A quick 2 and 1/2 hour shopping trip but we came home with quite a haul. Now we have to wrap each gift. And hang the calendar. And stuff the gifts into the calander pockets. Easy peasy.

We got home about 530. Emily started in on the soup. I put the shopping away where it needs to go. No problem, only took half an hour.

I was going to make the corn bread but realized I needed milk for the recipe. So I zoomed up to the market and grabbed some milk. The market being a gas station that smells bad inside. No matter, I need milk. Raced home and made the corn bread. And then, opened the bottle of cabernet I received as a freebie just for being me and doing whatever I did to get $100 dollars worth of free wine. So the cabernet is very good. I would say better than the chardonay I also received free except Emily loved the chardonnay. Loved it. But, still, excellent cabernet. I am enjoying it still.

Next up is dinner, and I am really looking forward to it.

Well, I must say, the spilt pea soup is super fabulous. I woukd say Emily out did herself but that may not be possible. The chipotle cornbread should consider itself lucky to be dipped in this soup. I am afraid to eat seconds because I could explode. Tomorrow, after the soup has cured, this will be truly spectacular. Sadly, we are going out to dinner tomorrow so more soup waits till Monday night. I am sure it will only get that much better.

I think i should wash the dishes, it is a rule here – when you cook, you dont clean. So I gotta clean. Not so bad, very few dishes to clean. And the soup pot is still on the stove simmering. That will be a clean tomorrow thing.

We watched TV for awhile, in the front room, not in bed. I grabbed some ice cream cake, left over from my birthday, for Em and I. Still good two months later. The freezer is a commercial model and keeps everything frozen hard. So the cake keeps well. Obviously.

After dessert its finally bed time. Now we can warch TV from bed. Actually, I read and Emily snores. But shes not sleeping!! Just try and turn the TV off. She has a conniption. I do not, and probably never will, understand her need to have a TV on while she sleeps. I think its because her parents sleep all night with the TV on. It bothers me. I give her the remote when I lay down and she turns it off at some point. Makes her happy.