Tuesday’s Big Adventure

I am going to Berkeley in a few minutes. Last Sunday, as you may remember, Em and I went to The Wooden Duck which is in Berkeley (at least till doors close for ever). We perused the going out of business inventory and purchased two mirrors. One of which is at least 8 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide. Needless to say, but saying it needlessly, I needed delivery or a truck. We were driving Emily’s car. No fit, no way. Like putting my sister in a normal chair without a booster. I inquired about delivery, cost 175 to 268, yes, dollars. The delivery company is not going out of business. And at those prices they must make too much money to go. I decided to pick up the mirror. I go today, into the wilderness known as Berkeley. I shall take my liberal left wing wacko to English dictionary. Could be handy. No Make America Great Again bumper stickers on my truck. Maybe lie, a sticker that says runs on veggie oil would help. Don’t want the nuts throwing tofu at me. I hate tofu. It’s a texture thing. Actually, the store is right on the 101 on a frontage road, industrial area, so not many worries. I won’t be the only guy cruising through lefty land in a pickup. I don’t want to pick on Berkeley too much. They are way out in left field. Way. Out. But, who is to say they aren’t at the front of a huge wave moving in that direction? Then they are leaders and not extremists. It’s a fine line between wacko and extremist.

Shower time then on the road. Dressed and ready. Realized today would be a good day to get my brakes done on my car. I won’t be using it. So I called my mechanic Dennis and he said leave the car in the driveway, keys in it. He picks up when needed.

Headed to the truck. Battery was dead as hell. Great. Every vehicle or tractor with a battery, goes dead out here. All the damn time. I got the charger, I have a big one because I use it so much. Got the extension cord. Popped the hood. Hello.

Yep. That’s a possum. He has taken up residence and built a nest under the hood of my truck. Little bastard hissed at me. Then he actually nestled in and went back to sleep. No big. I found my pellet gun, big enough for the job, and no pellets. So I hooked up the battery and started the charger. Gotta get moving. He hung out 20 minutes. I got the garden hose and gave the little rat a wash down. He left, rather abruptly. Leaving nest behind. That’s the other photo. I hate possums.

So I now have a change of plans. No Berkeley today. Need a charge or a new battery. Berkeley later this week maybe Friday. What a pain. Plus cost of a new battery. I am going to work instead. Joy. Dennis says he will come take care of the truck battery. At least something gets done.

I got to work early. Of course. But considering how the day went, early to work is a surprise. I have only one appointment today at 4pm. The rest of the day is work. Which is awesome. I started out doing my monthly bank recons. There are seven I need to get done. With all the usual interruptions it takes a couple hours. After that just sfinished me more admin work I don’t enjoy. I am still trying to get my desk clean from last deadline. Boy did I ever crap where I sleep, so to speak. I have got to try and keep it clean in the future. Cleaner. It’s funny, here at the end of the day, it is so difficult to remember what I did during the day. No matter. Remember or not, I did it.

Last gasp was an appointment, like the tenth one, with a couple who are retiring and closing their company. We have met a lot of times. A lot. Many. Today I really had nothing to say. I did say, stick a fork in it. I think they got the idea. They are done.

Headed home about 510. Got home at 615. Yikes. Took too long. Received a text as I pulled into the garage. From Emily. She says go pick up taco Tuesday. Ok. Now back into town to the Carniceria. Emily was at an event for 2.5 hours and did not realize I was already home. I picked up the usual. We never get tacos on taco Tuesday. I like combos, which is beans, rice and choice of meat. Favorite meat is Chile verde con nopales. They did not have any. Carnitas instead.

Emily got home at the same time I did. She was weighed down by bags of I don’t know what she picked up at the event. I was carrying food and work sundries. We were both hungry so we ate our dinner first. Then fed the dogs.

I need to go outside and find where Dennis may have stuck the cord and charger. I left the charger out attached to the truck and charging when I went to work this am. Not sure where he may have put it. I also have to put out the garbage, it’s Tuesday after all.

Garbage out. Found the charger. All is good. Time for bed.

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