I’m Beginning to Hate Saturday

Saturday is another workday. I have discussed this in prior posts. Yard, office, chores, etc etc ad nauseum. So why look forward to it? Emily is working today as well. We work too much I think. I think retirement comes when you are finally so sick of the day to day, you just quit.

I am going to skip lawn mowing today. Even with all the watering, it’s not growing. You may ask, why water it? Because the wind is turning it to dust. The lawn crunches a little as you walk on it. Not a good sign. We are currently in a “red flag warning” which means wind. No gentle breezes. It’s blowing about 35mph here, very consistently. Gusts reaching twice that. I can say, it really blows. Some siding has ripped off the house. Which means water infiltration when it rains. More work. Probably done on a Saturday.

So what of the fire, you say? Well the Wine Country fires seem to be yesterday’s news. I just finished the newspaper. All fire articles are backward looking. No current stories, no looks to the future of he fire. He stories of the future are the hard work it will take to rebuild. I think if journalists find nothing scary to write about, nothing is going on. Fire not out but fire not exciting at this point. And, I read the Saturday paper, written yesterday, which means it’s been calm for a day. Things can change, but journalists’ job is to sell papers. Using that as a guide I guess it’s mostly over.

As I have said, I need to go to work today and finish tax returns. I have quite a few to do. Good news is I get paid when done and can use the cash. This time of year is when I go broke. I have to build up cash so I can get to January without running out. There are no more rent paying deadlines between 10/15 and 1/31. Deadlines make clients move, they move and I get paid. It would be a great time of year for another vacation if I only had the cash to pay for it. Wow, listen to me whine. I kinda like the sound of it.

Before I go I need to SSS and I am sure Emily wants me to wait for her to get home. We will get a little time to say hello and get her all set for a windy as hell Fall Festival. This is the annual fundraiser for her school. She also sells her handmade jewelry, plates and clocks too. Good exposure for her work.

I am off to first S. Wait for me.

So I’m done and ready to go. Waited for Emily to get home from yoga. She hit home about 1030. She got dressed and I packed some crap. She was off to Fall Festival and I went to work.

Easy Saturday drive to work. I have a new app that shuts off my phone while I’m driving. So all drives are now peaceful. Though I may be missing important calls. Just like the old days when no one had a cell phone.

When I arrived my phone started working again. Sadly. Had a client call, he is now coming in to meet me at 230. Just what I need, see some client who has non deadline work. Great. What a true waste of my time.

I was reasonably focused today, just do 2016 tax returns. As many as I can till I’m done. So I did. Except for client visit at 230 for 45 minutes. It’s easier to get some things done than put them off. He is happy till tax time.

I had another onerous task. Some PITA bookkeeper for a clients business need dna fixed asset r con for some past tax year. The client is fine, her bookkeeper is demanding. As if I actually care. I could tell her to pound sand but I do not wish to upset my client. She seems to think her bookkeeper is worth a darn. She is not. But it took 30 more minutes out of my day. Again, its done.

Finished a few more returns. Emily called about dinner and I went home at about six.

We are having leg of lamb That’s the finished product. The leg took 3 hours to cook. Which is not so normal. We did not eat till 9. But it was worth waiting for. I think Emily prepares a very nice leg of lamb. Her mother does too. May be genetic.

We have just finished the dishes and some laundry. Like I have said, Saturday is a work day. We can now head off to bed. Job well done and all that BS. But done. Like me.