Before I Go

Emily leaves in two days. And I may go to. So today is he day where you have to seriously get things settled at home before you leave. Like having someone take care of your pets. Or watch the house and pick up the mail. The fortunate thing is Emily will be gone only one week and I have not made any plans. So maybe I won’t need to plan anything. Of course, I may end up doing all last minute in a big ole hurry. Don’t know. Exciting isn’t it? Not really.

A tough part about leaving is all the things you do that are different. For instance, I have been on a weight loss program for a few months. And it works. But I gained 15 pounds back when I went on vacay to Maine this summer. Not good. So if I leave, who knows, one week five more? I seriously hope not. No room in the suitcase for diet food. Have to be careful when I eat and drink. Cocktails have calories too I hear.

Going to try and get to work early today. Maybe I can get some real work done. Instead of sitting around. There is another deadline on 10/15 which is just around the corner. I know, I looked. I always have a lot of work to do. I am well past the old days when I was out beating the bushes looking for work. I actually had to find it. Now, it finds me. I need to find a better hiding place.

I have been sitting here daydreaming for twenty minutes with the occasional work break (the blog) and I think I need to get my rear in gear. And SSS and go to work.

I drove the old car to work, for a quick change of pace. It is more comfortable than a rather small two seat convertible. I know most people find that hard to believe but rest assured it’s true. My old car almost felt kinda new. Almost.

I only had one appointment today with an important client. He was supposed to be signing on the dotted line today for a huge tax plan. Instead he threw a hissy fit about a rather unimportant part of the plan. I want to slap him. We have been working on this for a year and a half. Without pay. And he hunks that should all be free, no charge to him. What an asshole. Well the cretin will be back on Thursday and it’s time then for him to shit or get off the pot. I’m tired of talking to him. I wasted an hour of my life with him today. No charge.

I had to go to the bank and make a wire transfer for a client. The recipient bank is a credit union. Notoriously difficult to deal with. I was at our bank a half hour, had three bank personnel working on it including the branch manager. He finally threw up his arms and said let’s send a cashier check by FedEx. And I have to tell the recipient Credit Union to phone the branch to verify funds. PITA. I also sent a wire to same place from another account via my online account. So I log on. Then went through secondary verification. Then I set up the wire and hit send. It doesn’t send and the bank locks me out of the website. These banks are so god damn stupid. They protect themselves to the point nothing can get done. I hate them. And I hate our government for making all the truly asinine rules they have to follow.

Spent what was left of my day preparing tax returns and the usual accounting nightmares of my clients. Ahh, it pays the bills and excites the senses! Half true.

Drove to the carniceria on the way home. It is Tuesday and this is tradition. They had my favorite, chile verde con nopales. None last week so there was some pent up demand. I got carnitas for Emily. Of course, Emily requires chips and salsa as well. The salsa verde was not very good this time.

Off to home. Emily had gone to workout and after she went grocery shopping for whoever watches the house. Emily presumes I will be leaving too. So she got home quite late for dinner. No matter. God invented the microwave oven for times like this.

I just finished putting the garbage out (see how important Tuesday is), all three cans which is two trips to the curb. It’s a long way up our driveway so it’s an extra pain. Whatever.

I am now officially ready for the sack. 9pm is late. And I’m a growing boy.