Cake Day

It’s not really a cake day. But it would be nice. I like cake. I have to go to the bakery this am to pick up a cake for Emily’s class. One of many duties.

I made a latte for Cissie. Really good, was her opinion. Thank god, I did not use sour cream. I am sitting here with Cissie and Trisha discussing the day and all. Nothing big happening today, guess I have to make something happen. Btw Cissie is a major suck up. Just sayin. She admitted as much.

I left for Sams Club, where the bakery is at, at about 915. It is not that hot yet but supposed to get well over 100. Easy trip, plenary of parking no problem. A really weird thing happened, I asked for the cake at the bakery and they brought it out immediately with no problems. I almost fell over. Usually, and I do this pickup cake thing a few times a year, they can’t find the cakes or they are wrong in some other way. I have waited as long as 45 mins. I don’t have much faith in Sams Club employees, or Wal Mart, and they continually reinforce my opinion of them. But today was their day.

My checkout, not so good. As usual, only one lane open. I got into the line and found the people behind me were shopping for a school as well. I only had to wait 15 mins to get checked out. Then I waited at the exit for a few more. That’s because the real exit was closed and I had to exit out the entrance. And it was another nightmare. This is why I go to Costco.

Drove straight to Tremont Elementary and dropped off the cake in the office. This cake was for teachers and not kids. No problems delivering here.

Off to work. Had a meeting with Hal at 11 and arrived at 1045. Hal was in and we had to discuss mutual cases we are working on. We have to get them done in order to get paid so it helps to keep up on each other. Managed to get each of us in motion on various aspects of our cases.

No more appointments today. I had lunch, a fine bowl of diet mashed potatoes. Actually, dehydrated potatoes have been around forever. These are not so bad. If you compare to the real thing, then they suck.

I spoke to real estate agent Linda and we firmed up our trip to Auburn on Saturday. We will meet in West Sacramento and head up the hill early. I am looking forward to it and do hope one of these places is right for us.

Cissie texted later in the day. She is going to make dinner for all of us. Yay Cissie!! We discussed the specifics and we should be eating by 730. I hope.

I got home an hour and ten minutes ago. And I can’t remember the drive at all. Seems wild but but that’s how uneventful it was. No stops on the way, no accidents, just driving. If I could blog while I drive I might find something interesting. Like making up lives for the other drivers you see on the road. And then take their picture surreptitiously. Can you see the problem here? Doing this while driving might be an issue.

Back to dinner. Chopped salad and kebabs: chicken, shrimp and beef. I made cocktails for the drinkers. Also chips and salsa. I would like dinner. The kebabs are taking forever to cook. I am gonna pull the shrimp off and let the chicken cook. I hate the Weber BBQ, it is impossible to control the temperature on the damn thing. Does not even have a built in thermometer which would really help.

Why is this cat here always?

Dinner is ready.

Took forever but it turned out so well. Cissie and Trisha left befor dessert. I sent some rhubarb cake home with Trisha so she would have dessert. Cissie leaves tomorrow and has to go Texas to see her mother. She has lots of flying to do. I hope her mom is doing well.

Looks like tomorrow for dishes. The washer is full and now the sink is too. I don’t mind leaving them till morning but I think Emily will want to wash them now. Wrong. She says I can wash them tomorrow. Well, not exactly, she said we will wash them tomorrow. But she goes to work early. I understand who will be washing.

2 Replies to “Cake Day”

  1. Dinner was great and fun!
    How can I not be a suck up in the presence of such greatness?!?!!! 😁

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