Sleepy Saturday

Not me. I woke up at 6. Everyone else is snoring, including all pets. I do not live right I guess. I got out of bed at 630 and put the doggies out. Fed the cats (they scream or sit on your chest till fed), let dogs in. I went back to bed and laid awake till Emily got up. She has a yoga class on Saturday mornings. I don’t like her to miss it because she gets really upset and it kind of permeates the room. This morning she was in a bad mood before she left. I believe I did not do anything, but who knows? It’s difficult to analyze our own behavior with any clarity. We all are guilty of rationalizing what we do without noticing.

Emily got up about 7. I got up, and did the usual: fed animals, made coffee, read paper, saw Emily off to Yoga. I have to mow the lawn so my am duties are turned around a little. Also, I have some lookers coming at 10am to see the house. We get a lot of looks. No offers. So far, one year. Could be the next lookers, you never know.

I am going to go get dressed now so I am ready for the lookers and their agent. I have shown the house a hundred times it seems. Gets old.

The lookers have left. Matt and his wife and three young children. Also Matt’s stepdad. Very nice, respectful people. They would make great neighbors. They watch their kids and make them follow rules and use good manners. I like them. They also liked my house which has not been a common theme with all these people that have come by. They did not bring an agent and that’s the kicker. A good agent will change how they see the deal I am sure. But, for now, it looks good.

I am waiting for Emily to return. Her yoga is running long or she went for coffee. It’s time to start the day. I would really like to get to the office and get my phone. If I have failed to mention, I left it last night. I’m an idiot.

Just finished my 11am fueling. I ate some gingerbread, diet gingerbread. One of the few baked items I like on my diet. At least I get to eat baked goods. I am ready to get going, kids are up, just need Emily to get home. She called, had to go to Target. Surprise. She’s hoooome!!!! Now we go.

We stopped at my office. Got my phone!!!!!!! I missed it. Got the FedEx stuff straight. Mailed a check. Off to PODS.

Want to know something cool? The second box we opened had the passports in it. Yay!!! Party 🎉!!! Emily has been worried to no end about it. Stress off.

Off to REI. Need a map. They have the perfect map, all the Lost Coast including camp grounds and trails. Way better info than I found in the internet. Who knew analog could be better? I did.

We are sitting at Chandos. It’s 230, obviously time for lunch. See

I ate a diet bar 20 mins before we got here. No Chandos for me. Everyone else enjoyed it.

After the meal we headed home. Great news, road work on hwy 50. Only an hour delay. Only. But we got home.

We went straight to Vacaville to drop off the FedEx. And we missed the last pickup. So it’s gonna go out Monday. Will just have to work I guess. We also stopped at the store for Emily. She was looking for one thing and got a few others as well. Oh well.

Came home and I got to mow the lawn. It must be Saturday. Looks fantastic now at least. Emily got out the trimmers and groomed Jaxon and Latte. They look almost as nice as my newly mown lawn. And I don’t have to feed the lawn.

Fed all the dogs. Managed to feed Kona even though she went outside and I had to go out and get her in order to feed her. Dumb dog. Sometimes you got to wonder.

We are getting ready to fix something for dinner. We have a large amount of leftovers. I am thinking…maybe…leftovers. I have 3 votes. Just need to check with the boss. She outvotes us. It’s a seniority thing. I am hungry.

We ended up with leftovers. I had to sauté some broccoli or it would have been an all meat meal. Not exactly what I had in mind. But leftovers are good. Sometimes better the second time. Some even, were leftover take out I did not get the first time. So they would not be leftover to me I guess.

Marika is getting ready to head back to school. She is vacillating between tonight and tomorrow. She gets a little depressed and that’s what drives her to honor stay. I can understand that. Leaving and driving back to school is at least doing something. That can help your mindset I think. I will help her get done with whatever which will help me deal with the end of summer blues when everyone heads home. I refilled her gas card so at least she knows she can go. It gets real quiet around here after the kids leave. Just me and Emily. We do fine with quiet and we always have plenty to do. This is not our first end of summer. Some day when they are gone all the time, I am sure I will look back and miss this parting. For now it’s okay.

We are going to go get ice cream. My idea. And a fine one it is. Have not gone out for ice cream since Maine. I miss Giffords. Baskin Robbins will have to do in a pinch. So we get there, lobby is closed. Sad. But drive thru is open! Happy!! I got chocolate fudge and Marika got chocolate mint. Ahh the end of a good day.