Saturday with No Chores

I have mentioned prior how Saturday is chore day for the weekend. And Sunday you get to sit around a little and relax. Emily has a nice chore list made up. Now, I am not complaining. I really love to get done with all the work. It’s a very satisfying feeling. But, I’d rather be all done yesterday and have an easy Sunday.

My day so far?

That’s the long walk on my driveway to get the paper. I get some exercise.

Dogs doing there thing.

Above is my pride and joy, a commercial espresso machine. Got it in a three way trade in 1994. Awesome describes it well.
It’s one of the reasons I get out of bed every morning. Really. And the family will back me up on that.

Food for all. This gets the dogs up.

The Sunday paper. Ahhhhh. Purpose and meaning with a cup of coffee. And Emily went to yoga. So quiet too. And Emily achieves her peace at the same time. No wonder we stay married.

Well, I posted yesterday’s blog. Then I took a shower. Again, no pictures. Now on to the chore list. I had to use the hand held vacuum to get all downstairs and he bathrooms. An hour of vacuuming. Our Roomba, is in hospital. Roomba vacuums automatically every day. Today I found out what it’s like to do without her. I am shipping her out to repair facility today. I can hardly wait for her return. Everyone can use a Roomba.

It’s 1145 and we are headed out to lunch and shopping. In Vacaville. Today we are having lunch with our good friend Roma. She is about 85 years old though you wouldn’t know it. We met her and and her husband Dick about 12 years ago. We both were host families for the Solano Thunderbirds, a team in a summer college level wooden bat league. Anyhow, they sat behind us in the host family section 45 games a season. For three years. They are friendly so are we. Both of our families have roots in baseball. A friendship developed. Roma and Dick were of an age to be my kids grandparents. Worked out well. Dick passed away a couple years ago. But, we still have Roma.

Anyhow, off to lunch. Emily picked Stars which is the restaurant inside the bowling alley. And as always, it was excellent. It’s a full service restaurant and bar at a bowling alley. Seems funny but the food is good. I ordered the grilled romaine and steak salad. A new item on the menu.

Aren’t those insane?! A couple are the size of grapefruits. I kinda wonder if he juice will be good. Will have to make lemonade and find out. I have an enormous counter top juicer that can handle these. Tomorrow. And lemonade and bourbon is very good. Even better than lemonade and vodka which is pretty damn good. I will check it out tomorrow and report back here.

For now I am off to bed. Sadly, a Sunday with excess chores. I never really sat down except meals. Maybe next weekend since tomorrow is Monday.