I Hate Bike Assholes

Pre Friday has arrived. Finally. It’s a long week. Hell, every work week is too long. I need to find a no work week. One that doesn’t end. Please.

Emily left for yoga camp this morning. Actually, she left for school meetings and from there went to yoga camp. She will be there till Sunday doing the yoga thing. Whatever that really is. Marika and I are in our own. Fortunately, we can handle it.

After Emily left at 640am, I sat and drank coffee for a few minutes then tried to get Marika out of bed to go workout. She needed about five minutes to get up and get going. It’s Thursday which means the bikers will be in the gym at 8. And they use up the space in the back room where we work out. There are only 3 bikers any given Tuesday/Thursday but they are assholes. They spread out around the room to monopolize the space. Their leader is a total dick in action and thought. He wheels his exercise bike out while we are in the floor working out. You know the type, pushes the bike real close to us or anyone else and sets up next to people who got there first. And proceeds to make the room a hostile place for non bikers. These assholes do reserve the room but let’s face it, 3 people do not need all the floor space.

In spite of them we did get most of our floor work done before the bike dicks arrived at 8. Had to do a couple sets with them in the room. I hate them. Once done with floor stud we went to the main gym and did some weights. Topped it off with some aerobic work on stationary machines.

When we finished we headed home. No errands or coffee. Weird. At home I got cleaned up and went to work. Marika has work at 5. After work I am going to Bob’s for dinner, prob steak and etc.

My work day was strangely busy. I had a phone meeting at 2 which rolled into a tax meeting at 3 and another call after that. 3 hours. Gone.

I ran out at about 6 to Bobs. Forgot my phone in my haste. Went over to their house. Nice to be invited over when Em is gone. One more night I don’t have to cook. Bob did procure steaks from the local Costco. Not sure what cut but they were good. I prefer a local butcher for steak and other prime meats. Local guys usually do a better job than big stores.

I was kinda late, bob and Renee and friends Dave and Natasha has already had hors douvres and drinks. I had none but did grab a glass of wine. Or two. They were just throwing meat on the grill when I arrived.

Dave also grilled up a large salmon filet. Yuck. I love fish. I hate salmon. Hate it. I ate the steak. We sat and ate and more wine was opened. Dinner was great and company was fun. I never go out and it was nice just to go out.

After dinner, quite a while after dinner I headed for home. Quick stop at the office because I had forgotten my phone. And up the hill. Very fast trip. No traffic at 945. Surprise. Got home in record time. Marika called when I was a mile out, wondering where I was. I was very close. She was already home, work was slow.

I am now typing. No TV since Emily is gone. She likes TV for the noise. I just hate it and don’t turn it on when I have the choice.

I am heading to bed very soon. I am exhausted, just not sure why.