Today is back to the grind. Sadly, nothing left to grind.
Marika and I went to workout just after I got Emily out the door and off to work. I am in a little bit of a hurry today because my last part for the turbo came in a week ago and today is the appointed hour. I drop off the Fit and by Friday, I hope, my Fit will be a real race car. I can hardly wait. It’s been six months waiting on the parts. Damn foreign manufacturers. I dropped off and called Cara to come pick me up. Told Josh I would be back Friday for the car. Or just visit it. Not sure. Fingers crossed.
To the office. No appointments. No nothing. These are tough days to write about. Nothing happened. What can a say?
Well, about noon I noticed a nip in the air. It was cold. Inside. I went to the next office and asked the ladies if it was cold. Resounding yes. They had a heater going. I was not dressed for cold weather inside the office.
If you must know, we have had problems with our HVAC for years. Old building, been remodeled a thousand times, only so many AC units on the roof, blah blah blah. Many excuses from property manager and techs. It’s cold. It’s also very cold in the summer, uncomfortably so. At least the rent is low. It’s the bad food, big serving theory.
I have fingerless gloves to wear. Kept in my desk, for obvious reasons. After Cara left for the day I also took her lap blanket. I said it was cold. I was ready to go when Emily arrived. Had to leave the office for the day to warm up. Strange. But, that’s what I do in the summer too. Maybe someday I can move. Home. Sell out. It’s a dream.
Emily remembered to come pick me up at day’s end. Which is good. Ubering to Auburn would be pricey. Seriously, we were in contact at the end of the day. She had an orthodontist appointment late so came by late. So we missed the bad traffic. It’s a food thing.
Off to home. Marika has made salads for our dinner to which we added last nights soup. And the soup was even better tonight. Love it. Soup was great. Salad was great. Meal was great.
Time for mediocre TV. A couple hours worth. Em is working on glass for her class. The kids. She makes glass pendants which they give to their moms. Moms love them. She spent about two hours in them before she got them into the kiln. May be ready in the am. Nice.
She is cleaning up. I am typing and sorta listening to the boob tube. Ready for bed but Em needs ice cream first. Then I can go read. Which is a good end to my day.