Relaxing Sunday

It isn’t. It I think you know that already. Slept in till 830. Yes. I am not joking. I am tired. I took melatonin in the middle of the night. Wasn’t sleeping. But it got me to 830. Nice.

Just a few quick chores to finish today. I had to make a marinade for the yellowtail I had in the fridge. That’s done. Needed to eat breakfast and read the Sunday paper. Done and done. Made a rhubarb trifle for our dessert. As mentioned, Emily got me rhubarb and Ed K sent a recipe. Same day. Had to make it.

See not much going. Shower. Got dressed. Then the big chore. Washed my two cars. And Emily’s GLK. That took forever. About 4 hours. Now done. Except for the laundry and changing the cat box. Then I was done. I sat and relaxed.

Emily, during all these chores, was in town She is getting ready for year end of school. This week. So she is not helping out at home. Loser. I do all the work.

At about five I made cocktails. Rye Manhattans for her and me. Mostly me. They were very good. Most drinks I make are. Em brought out the snacks too. I was hungry from all the work I did. And she was reaching for snacks. Whatever.

Drinks done and now I am watching a basketball game I could care less about. Not much less. But it’s on and I’m now sitting. Emily is doing more school crap. Not sure what and really do not care.

Randy is making dinner tonight. Pasta bolognese. Smells good. I am ready. There is a bottle of wine as well. Soon.

Dinner has destroyed my stomach. It was very good. Better. We are stuffed. And we still need to have the rhubarb trifle I made this am. It’s gonna be awesome!!!!!

And it is. First time I made it. Have a few tweaks for next time which should be in Maine next month. I will be seeing Ed Kadunc and he sent me the recipe. So he gets some. Seems fair.

I am in pain from stuffing myself with all this rich food and drink. So is Emily. And Randy. No surprise when you make like a hog.

Bad TV is on. I am not watching. It’s bedtime. Early tonight. I am ready.