Been here before. Done it before. Doing it again.
The morning was the same yet it’s a new same. Now, add workout to coffee, feed animals, feed us, make coffee, pack lunch. You may have found the am already full. Well, it’s fuller.
I hit the gym. And it hit back. Harder. I need a lifestyle that has more “gym” in it so I don’t have to go to a gym. Not sure what that would be. Today I caused pain with exercise. That is a sign of good things happening. Trainers tell you that. Their lifestyle has a lot of gym in it. Maybe that? No. An hour of my life today in the gym. An hour more added to the end? Senseless.
Left gym. Bye. Home to shower and shave. And get dressed for the day. No going to work naked.
Made a stop at Home Depot. They sell Tuff Sheds in their parking lot. Turns out they are much cheaper than the factory outlet across the street. Discounts. No sales tax. Free paint. Very nice. I ordered a shed for Emily. She needs more closet space, really. It’s gonna be right outside the back door to hold all her overflow of shoes and clothes. A true she shed. Was a crazy burst of activity. Had to design and order the shed out front, go inside the store, apply for credit ($200 discount) and complete purchase. Back outside to office and arrange delivery. Will be here Friday morning. Only two days. The guy across the road is six weeks. And sales tax
Concrete guy was coming this morning. I had to go back home to meet him. He is pouring a foundation for the shop and garage. Nice guy. Knows enough about the county to get this shit done. I’m not getting a permit. Mostly because I truly hate the extortionist motherfuckers at planning in Placer County. No more tribute flows from me to them. Anyway, county told me they don’t get involved in these things unless someone complains. And actually told me to build with no permit. Still want it to code if someone does complain. So mr concrete will be sending a bid in a couple days. Low I hope.
Received first of many texts about my shed. Reasonably incomprehensible messages. When I got the third one I called. Gal said, ya, hard to understand aren’t they? I confirmed the appointment with her.
Went to work. Usual drive. It is getting monotonous.
Read through my mail. Only thing of note was a love letter from the CA Board of Accountancy (assholes) telling me about my peer review. I had my lawyer respond, he does not yell and scream like some of us. All regulators need to die. Painfully. Spit roast?
Had a normal work day, for a moment. Only a moment because I have a lunch date with Tony and Hal. We need to discuss the buyout of Tony’s company. More of us pushing Tony to do what is in his financial best interest. But, a conversation still.
The place we are eating is an old school joint. Food is old school too, not too great. But, Tony has a 300 bottle wine locker here. We had a nice ‘04 Bordeaux, which seems special but is really just a nice bottle. I go with awesome cuz I don’t drink that well very often.
Outcome of meeting is unclear. Although we gradually are getting him to do what we want him to do. Which will make all richer.
After lunch, more work day. Usual paper pushed and filed. God, I love accounting.
I was released to home for good behavior just after 5. And I thought my behavior was awful. I spoke to Emily on the way home and decided to pick up dinner for us. Stopped by the market and got some grab and go food. The okie term would be git n go, but I’m only part okie. They had premade Calzones. Winner. Picked up a tub of yogurt too, since starting tomorrow I can add dairy back to my diet. One cup a day. I get a real breakfast now.
Not much else to report. Not such a bad day. Still raining.