Monday and a Half

It’s now 1am Tuesday morning. What a great day. No. I am in a fine Best Western in Huntington Beach, CA aka Surf City. This hotel does not scream luxe or day at the beach. It’s the guests who scream, usually as they run out of here.

So what happened? Well it’s a short story. And I am gonna make it quick because is freaking one am. I want sleep.

You know about the new house. Well I am trying to speed up close by driving the closing docs from Huntington Beach to Auburn tomorrow. In order to do that I have to be here in HB early. So I drove down after work and got a hotel. See, short explanation.

I did have an entire work day before I left. That was slow and boring. I worked on lots of things I really can’t remember. I did have a couple appointments, one with the daughter of another client. Usual self employed folks. And at the end of the day another long time client. Owns a restaurant. Both were quite vanilla tax returns.

Managed to pack a few boxes this morning too before I left. I am getting that crap done.

I am going to bed now. Too tired to regale all of you with this adventure.