Just kidding. I had to drink coffee. And read the paper. That’s a ton. And a shower so I don’t smell like my dog. Much. I must mow the lawn today. That’s is beyond thrilling. But, mort of all, I finished my ironing. Yay team bill!! Yes, I do my own ironing, especially my shirts. I used to pay a dollar a piece for the dry cleaner to wash and iron. But those morons break buttons then forget to sew them back on. Or sew them on poorly. Or sew on buttons that don’t match. Or use too much starch or for that matter use starch at all. I think you can see my problem. Or one of my many problems. All first world but still problems.
I am going to mow. Then I will be done with all chores. Except laundry. That’s always and forever. Which is a song. Do not remember who sang it. Though I could sing a few bars if pressed.
Finished with the leaf covered lawn mow. Was not fun. After a few weeks of leaves, all the dog poop is covered. So when you finally mow the wheels of the mower collect a lot of poop. So do my shoes. Just fun. So I really made a mess then cleaned it up. Couldn’t be helped. But I am done. And from perusing local trees, that part is done as well. So I am done with mow and clean up for a few weeks.
Emily wants to go to the movies. So we are going to the movies. It turns out, Mary Poppins has come back in order to make $500 million for Disney. So we are going to go see that. I can tell you I really don’t want to go. I would choose something else.
Off to the movies. Nothing special here. Though now I have to reserve seats for the damn movies. Pain in the ass. So I went inline and purchased two tickets for the 2pm show. Sadly, this appears to be a popular movie and I had to buy seats in the front row. And me with a stiff neck. So I will need to look straight up for two hours. What fun! Emily can’t go through a movie without snacks. So a large popcorn, large soda and box of goobers to pour into the popcorn. It keeps her from falling asleep during the movie or so she says. The movie was about 2 hours long ( 20 minutes too long) and the story was about the same as the first movie. Only the songs were not as good as the first movie. So imagine Marry Poppins with mediocre pop tunes instead. That was my afternoon.
Now home, feed the dogs, make dinner, usual. We had salad with meatballs on top. Yes, it’s a thing and it tastes great. Emily insisted on a cocktail. It is Saturday. I had just received an email today with 20 cocktail recipes in it. So I made a new version of Daiquiri. Rum, lime, bitters and sweetened with maple syrup of all things. It was very good. Did not read well but drank just fine. And mixed well with dinner.
Now we are off to that great, empty, grand abyss that is Saturday night TV. You have a choice of murder porn or reruns of old TV shows. We chose old TV. Just finished two episodes of Mom. Actually very funny. Next up who knows. Well next up was wrapping bday gifts for mom/mom in law. We are going to Petaluma tomorrow early to have lunch with the birthday girl. So we are off to bed to get an early start.