
So far a very slow Sunday. I was awake at 345am and not sleeping. Lovely. Got up at 8, not sure why I stay in bed when I can’t sleep. Habit I guess.

Emily stayed in bed for awhile longer. She is lazy and never reads this.

I was up and doing the usual. Dogs cats coffee food, I think you know the drill. Once I got done I was able to join Emily at the table with the paper. She was online gaming and not reading. I got to read the paper and drink coffee, a favorite hobby of long-standing. Nothing much in the paper.

While reading the paper, our Cocker, on Trazedone, crapped all over the front room. Gotta love the dog yet I don’t. We put him out and he went even more. Would like to kill him. Even on strong meds the dog will not calm down. He just paces and shakes. And drools. Otherwise, a fine 15 year old dog.

So, so far, this day is quite normal. A few minutes ago I got a text from my credit card asking about a series of charges to the same company. About $300 total. I have no idea. I called the CC and they killed the charges and killed the card. Turns out, Emily had made what she thought was a 29$ purchase to a pop up ad. The company now appears unscrupulous. And the charge did not go through. So she put her ATM card in. Now it has to be killed too. Wait, she put in her last, thank god, card and it was frauded and killed and now she has no cards for a week to ten days. I am not picking on her. I lost an ATM card the same way. Once. I had to close the ATM account to stop the charges. Once. So she learned a lesson today. Sadly. The world is not an honest place.

We may go to the movies later. Rather than wash cars or sit around. Probably a bad movie because that’s what’s out right now. But Emily wants to. But, that’s the sum of our plans for now.

Just let the dogs out. Again. Poodle, 16 years old, for a change, did not per on the concrete. She went all the way to he lawn. I usually follow her out because she gets her front feet onto the lawn and hangs her business end on the patio. I have to give her a gentle kick in the rear to straighten that out. Yes, I enjoy doing it. This is the one that likes peeing in the house. Vet has tried antibiotics, now ketaconizole (yeast) next I don’t know. Vet says it may be senility. That makes sense.

So it looks like I’m stuck with A Star is Born when we go to movies. I have less than no desire to see it. Emily, of course, wants to see it. Must be a chick flick.

Just finished washing the two cars. I did not wash Michael’s because, mostly, I doubt he washed mine. It’s possible but not probable. As you may remember, he is driving my car and I am driving his. I took his new used car to the body shop and audio shop for refinishing and repairs. So I will have it for two weeks. We are meeting up this coming weekend at Dad’s/Grandpa’s house to exchange cars. At which point I will have him help me wash it. That’s if Dad has any car wash tools. He is way to old to wash cars. So I might be driving a dirty car home.

We are still planning on going to the movies. We missed A Star is Born cuz Emily wanted her car washed too. I said, go to 7 Flags car wash, you have a monthly subscription. She says she wants it washed. So we missed the start time. Such a shame. If I can ever get her moving we may go to the movies. She always says she wants to go but is never motivated to actually get moving. And then complains about not having gone. She may be crazy.

So I sit. And wait for her to choose. Or run out of time to go. I think she wants to go to the grocery store. That will probably win.

Grocery store wins. That’s where we are headed. I doubt the movies will happen this weekend. Emily seems a matinee only type. I have tried to get her out on a weekday early evening and she always makes an excuse not to go. Not sure what’s up with that. Maybe she just likes the idea of going to the movies and not the act. It’s an excuse to eat popcorn and candy for her too. I don’t participate.

Right now after having said let’s go to the store she is back to Words with Friends. She is addicted. I think we may never go.

Ok. So we went to the grocers. And, as I predicted, no movie. Can’t figure the woman out.

The grocers was same as always but small crowd. We ran into Bert and Liz del Carmen and a couple of progeny. I have not seen him since baseball season in 2009. He was my 3rd base coach on my senior team that season. Long time ago. His hair was black then. Now it’s pure white. We had a nice talk about things. Got semi caught up on ten years worth. Always cool to see old acquaintances. I wonder what he said to Liz about me. Probably said I look younger. And smarter.

We headed straight home after. I should have stopped for gas. Almost out. We drove the kids car. Drive it while I got it.

We got home and I stowed the food. Had to clean out the fridge to do it too. Started the bbq. Spiced the steaks. Got the coals to 200 and threw the meat on. Two hours.

Emily, on the other hand, dumped out the two cat boxes and acrubbed them clean. Sounds like fun! I did not help since I was busy. And I don’t want to help either.

Once we were both done with our chores we sat. I am, obviously, blogging. Emily is playing Words. The fun never changes. It’s 5pm and the day is almost done. My life is exciting.

I did bbq a couple T bones for dinner with sautéed broccoli and a salad. I am a master. Dinner was very good.

Right as we sat down to eat we got a call from Marika. She likes to call when she is on her way home from work. We discussed everything there was to talk about for an hour. Solved all the worlds problems. Had a nice chat too. Her biggest issue currently is the job her company is trying to offer her. She just seems to think it might be some kind of mistake to accept a decent job offer. She really wants to go to New Zealand for a job she was offered that is 2 1/2 months long. And pays less. And would cause her to not get the job here. I think she really wants to go to New Zealand. Rational she is not.

We finished up dinner and a long while later we finished up our phone conversation with Marika. I went off to cruise Zillow. Got to to keep up on new listings.

Now we are watching TV. It’s late. Bedtime is right near us. I was ready for bed an hour ago considering how little sleep I got. I am hoping there is no repeat tonight.