I woke at 530 and did not get back to sleep. Lovely. Welcome to the weekend. I got up. Emily has the day off. She did not get out of bed. Surprise.
I did the usual, after all I am driven by habit. Fed animals, fed me, made coffee, drank the coffee. Since it’s Friday we got a newspaper. I read it cover to cover. Just because.
Emily finally dragged herself out of bed. She has decided to go workout. Yoga. She did not stick around to help me with the leaves. When she left I finally went out to the backyard and cleaned up all the leaves. Took all week, but now done. Now it’s full time waiting for the seeds to sprout. I may be doing this whole thing again in the spring.
I have an appointment at 11. So I got the yard done and I got to the office before my client showed. Ain’t that amazing? Yes.
Again, if you are looking for excitement in a work day, it’s not me. I finished my appointment then worked till 2 when another client came for his appointment.
Client Phil goes back 15+ years. So when he comes in we always have a great time. We discuss mutual friends, the news, lots of things. And spend 10 minutes discussing taxes. It was the only real fun I get in a dull day.
So after the fun appointment, I had 4 hours of work. Thrilling, edge of the seat work. Right. I got a call at about 610 from another client who wanted to bring her crap in tonight, in 8 minutes. I waited till, 25 minutes later and she showed. Good thing I like her. We had a fun discussion about all things not tax. I am having a great day!
She and I headed out atbhe same time, 7pm. She had to leave cuz I was locking all the doors and going home. I had her help me carry all the crap I was taking home. That way only one trip. She owed me, cu I accepted her crap so close to deadline.
It was dark and cool. Perfect weather to take he top down and race home. So that’s what I did. And it was a blast.
I got home before 8. Emily has already fixed dinner, still cooking. She is making Caesar Pleasers which is seasoned sirloin tips and Caesar salad. A family favorite.
Dinner was fabulous. Emily opened a bottle of wine. I did not have any, instead waiting till son Michael and girlfriend Carly get here. Which they did at about 10 pm. Not sure yet why they are
visiting. It can’t be because they love us.
We opened a bottle of champagne and toasted his new job. Vintage French champagne. Delicious. Something we can all enjoy.
We have all been sitting and chatting and perusing rotten TV for the last hour. Tomorrow we have lots to do. Emily has fall festival at school and the rest of us are looking for things to do.