The old saying, flush twice, it’s a long way to Visalia. That’s how I feel. Marika and I are going to Visalia today, on purpose, not against our will, to see the family patriarch. Dad insists on staying in Visalia for some ungodly reason. So we go visit, when possible, and put up with the foul air (3rd worst area in USA), foul weather and foul civic environment. I’m a real booster, right? I did six years hard time in Visalia. Swore I would never return. I haven’t except for very short controlled visits. Visalia is a totally hot, dry and cheerless place not unlike Passaic, New Jersey. Only worse. I hate Visalia.
Still have a work day in front of me. Before Visalia. It’s a shame I can’t drink before but a four hour drive with a cocktail or two seems unwise. Drinking to get me into Visalia seems wise. A conundrum.
So. What did I do all day. Started account reconciliation. Four hours. I am probably halfway done. Yikes. Finished up a tax return. Made a few calls. Yes, this took all day. Stop wishing you were me, it’s not as glamorous as it sounds.
Marika showed up long after 5. About time. She is always late for everything. She may be related.
I got all ready to leave. Lights. Locks. Leak. And we’re off. Drove my car which we both like better than hers. Go figure. The trip is about 3 to 3.5 hours dep being on traffic. Well, traffic was light. We moved along at about 75 mph on Hwy 99. 99 has been widened over the past few years and now boasts 3 lanes most of the way. We now get the hell thru the hell of the central San Joaquin quicker than ever. That’s progress.
We made Modesto in under 90 minutes and stopped at In and Out for dinner. I would prefer to search for something better off the interstate but we wanted to get there. So fast food wins today. Meal was no more memorable than any other rapidly prepared and cheap meal ever is.
Ten minute detour for dinner and backnon 99 south. Marika is now driving and I get to enjoy the scenery. Since there is nine I read the billboards. Lots of evangelicals advertising anti abortion messages, my future in heaven, etc. Also, if I happen to kill a blasphemer, there are a ton of signs for criminal defense attorneys. The balance of adverts is fast food, ah poison, and conservative political messages. Always a joy, does pass the time.
We made Visalia very quickly. About three hours plus the time stopped. Dad was still awake, though getting close to ten. I think he was waiting for us. His days are kinda slow and boring for the most part. Visits do cheer him up and give him something new to do.
We traded a little conversation and went to bed. I am usually in bed by 10. Dad is asleep by 7. He sleeps a lot. He’s a toddler.
Friday. That’s right, this blog post is a twofer. Both Marika and I slept poorly. I was awake several times during the night. Woke up about six and laid awake till 8. Then got up. Both bed and room are not comfortable. Comfort is not high on dad’s list for guests. He is a horrible host. Oh well.
Marika and dad were up not long after me. Mimi, dad’s assistant had already made a pot of coffee. So nice. I got a couple cups quick without any work.
No one made a move to make breakfast. Turns out dad was taking us out, he just never said anything. About 10 we went to Black Bear Diner. For those of you unfamiliar, it’s a semi themed coffee shop. About 2.5 stars out of 5. Passable. I would never choose it but dad is paying. I had eggs and pork chops, the special. Ok. Not great. Marika had an omelette she did not finish. We sat and chatted for a half hour after we were done. The service had been abysmal so we were there for awhile. I showed dad all the interesting photos I had from the trip. I curated a bit, or it would take all day. He has not seen Morocco in forty years. So it was quite a bit of fun sharing what I saw. I know he wants to go back but his physical limitations are huge and there is no Moroccan or European version of the ADA.
We went back home and for most of the day did what dad does. Watch TV at a very high volume. Did I mention dad is rather deaf? Maybe you didn’t hear me. Lol. His days are like this yet he still insists on living in Visalia (hell). Stubborn old bastard. I have got to remember not to turn out like him.
Dinner about 6. Yesterday Emily had made meatloaf. She made an extra for dad. And I actually remembered to take it with me when I left home AND left the office. I amaze my self. Marika made a salad to go with it. Dad opened a bottle of red I would call only slightly drinkable. Maybe 3.5 out of five. Mimi joined us. She did not have much work today so all four of us enjoyed the meatloaf. I love meatloaf. A lot. Yes, I would marry it. Don’t ask.
We hung out till about seven and headed out. Visalia is tiring. Very tiring.
We made Sacramento in 3 hours. Picked up Marika’s car and 30 mins later in Vacaville. Amazingly good time we made. Yoda. Marika came in, reported to mom, kissed her cat, and went home. I went to bed. Long day.
2.5 for Black Bear Diner?!?!? 😣
I give a 10 !! 👍🏻