Wednesday morning 5am. Up and at em. I am going to go to San Jose and pick up Taffy. These round trips to the south bay really get old fast. I hate the drive.
So I got everything done except Emily’s breakfast. It would be ice cold by the time she was up. But I did get coffee made. Left the house before 6. The drive was miserable. The last 30 miles took over an hour. The freeway was just slow as hell. I nodded off twice. There are no places to pull over and get coffee on the drive. At least there are no signs to help find a place and no bill boards on the freeway. What a pain.
It took three hours to get there. 102 miles. Slow as hell. But, Taffy was excited to see me. And ready to go home. The vet tech said she was running around even. Major surgery is no problem for her I guess. So we loaded up and headed out. Only took two hours in drive back. I managed to pull in by 1130 and put Taffy in the house kennel. I left the other two outside so she wouldnt be bothered.
Then its off to work. I went through the usual – answered mail, took calls, had a meeting with Hal to discuss ongoing work and a few other tasks. Did a google search on tiny houses, man are they pricey. To make the county happy I may try to rent a tiny home and put it in place on our property just so it can be done. Then put up the yurt. Might work.
I got out of the office by 6pm.
Emily was not home when I got there. She had gone to yoga. I fed the dogs and started making dinner. We are having turkey dinner again. I love turkey dinner!!! I added in soup and potato patties as well. Gustatory perfection.
Emily arrived home a few minutes later. And she started into the puzzle immediately. She really wants to get done.
I dragged her to the table and we had dinner. After dinner, she was right back to the puzzle. I got a call back from Raj, the vet. We discussed the surgery. Funny thing, it turns out, Raj had told me he also found a growth in the liver when he did the ultrasound. He also told me he is not so good an ultrasound tech as well. Turns out, when he did the surgery, there was no growth. He said it was probably the gall bladder and he just misidentified it. Crazy. Taffy does have another small growth on her chest wall. Fix later he says. Off the call, back to the puzzle. What happened? We finished it. I made a point of leaving the last piece for Emily.
With the accomplishment complete, we went to bed. A day well done. Too much hard work. I did spend 30 mins on the blog before I got in bed. Have to keep everyone happy.