I had a meeting this morning at a new clients office. Set for 11am and here in town. Since its at 11, I can still go work out this morning. So, up earlyish and make all the coffees. Breakfast for my bride and myself. And then off to the gymnasium to increase strength and vigor. Or some such crap.
Todays workout is upper body. Which means tomorrow my arms and shoulders will hurt. But not my legs. Its like torture but without visible scars. I like to set up my day so I have time to work out. Which is why the appointment was at 11. Anyhow, I had plenty of time to finish my workout at a decent pace.
Home after and got cleaned up. Got a couple calls from Walker, he is meeting me at the clients. He seems anxious, Im not. I took a little too long getting ready and ended up a few minutes late to my appointment. No one cared, except for Walker.
So off to appointment. The new client has not signed any agreements or contracts. But, he has said many times that I am the new accountant. Today we sat with the head of accounting and a couple of her minions. We ran through the POS system, inventory, A/R, payroll, and financials. The obvious problem, none of it is integrated. They need an accountant to pull it all together. Integration can be overrated and will require a talented person on site to keep it all running smoothly. We are going to partially integrate different areas and simplify how it all is put together. And get paid for it too.
I still had errands to run after our meeting. I have been carrying around two 5 gal propane tanks that I bought during our recent holiday propane crisis. I did not get a chance to use them because those bastards at Sheldon took down our propane system. But at least I was able to return the propane tanks for full price. I still hate Sheldon Gas.
I visited my friend and client Jim Haughn. Had paperwork to drop off. Turns out Cindy Haughn, Jims wife, is aftaid of her new espresso machine. This is the one I travelled to Berkeley to pick out for Jim. Not sure why she is so afraid but she wants me to come over and help her make an espresso. I think it should be easy but not everyone is that way. Obviously. I may drop by tomorrow.
Off to work after going to Jims. The drive was long and boring and I kept nodding off while I went. It is mid day, and too warm and really boring. The drive was not even good mental therapy which can happen.
Walker was in the office when I arrived. He was there to cover the phones. Everyone else took Friday off to get a four day weekend. We worked on the proposal for the hardware store we were at this morning. It takes too much work to hammer out a list of what we do and then a how much it costs to do, with it. But we managed. I made Walker do it, then I reviewed what he wrote. Easy peasy. Now done and we can send to the client. This is an A list client so we want to get it done right. And well. And efficiently.
Walker left after that. He wants a long weekend too. I have plenty of work to do whether or not anyone else is here.
I called the lawyer on client Franks deal. The trust we need to finish is itself not finished yet. I am getting tired of not having it done.
I left work about 6pm. I took the opportunity to go to REI to exchange a gift I received. Emily bought me an overnight bag which I thought too big. The “luggage” department had been decimated by crazy shoppers. But, I was able to find a nicely sized bag to exchange it for. I had no receipt. And it turns out REI is not one of those nice no receipt stores. The gal behind the counter told me I needed proof of purchase. So I said, you think I stole it. She says no, I say exchange it. Fortuately, they have a computer record of the purchase under my REI member number. So, I announced loudly, I did not steal it. I hope I was her favorite customer that day.
Headed home for dinner. Tonight we are having Beef Wellington. Which has a story behind it. Many, many years ago (like 47) my mom asked what I wanted for my birthday dinner. I announced, Beef Wellington. Much to my amazement, and moms skill, she made it. And did a great job. It became somewhat of a tradition for many years until mom tired out.
Return to present day. About two weeks ago 12/17 there was a spread in the food section of the Chronicle on Beef Wellington. And I confidently said, we should make that. Next trip to store, Emily purchased supplies for such. We put it off through the holidays and other nights out. Last night, was the night. Turns out, its a hell of alot of work. Recipe suggested a two day prep. Emily said that makes sense but she was into it already. It did take several hours and she had to skip her workout, but its done. God Bless Emily. Please everyone say a prayer for my Mother who did this several times for her son. Women are amazing in what they do and put up with.
Finished Wellie on the cutting board and my dinner plate, which is even better. I opened a really nice bottle if wine to go along, dont want to ruin. Paired very well.
Thats a 2016 vintage, still available, I think, but previous years are sold out. This is a notable meal and I hope a “new” tradition at the holidays in our house. It does bring back many nice memories of my teen years. My Mom was nice. I had no idea, but what teen ever paid attention?
We really could not follow up this fantastic dinner with dessert. Michael headed out for a friends birthday party. Em and I watched TV. We did make a large dent in the jar of toffee my dentist gave me. Also quite good. By ten, off to bed. I was so tired I could not finish yesterdays post till this morning. Here you go.
Again, shout out to the new Beef Wellington queen, Emily!!