What a day. In some ways quite awful and in others an adventure.
Remember yesterday? I mentioned we were out of propane? Well, we tried to get our tank refilled. But its Sunday. And a holiday. So everyone, that I could get ahold of, said go away and come back on Tuesday. No propane.
My own company, Sheldon Oil, refused to help us. Go Sheldon! Fuckers. Ive been a customer 15 years. Never nissed any payments. And they diss me.
So I call my friend Jim. He sells propane but only if you bring in your tanks. But, he helped me Okie rig a 10 gal tank onto my propane system so I could have heat and cooking. Handy on Christmas or today when I have 10 guests coming over. But we got it hooked up. Like I said, the Okie way. Worked but screwy.
So what happened? About two hours later, Sheldon shows up to give us fuel. Nice, right? And the driver sees our set up and decides to take all the equipment and leave us with zero propane. So no heat. And no cooking. Assholes.
We had to go to Wal Mart and purchase two space heaters, two electric cook tops and an electric countertop oven. All because Sheldon Oil are fucking assholes.
So anyhow, our friends and family showed up about 4 ish. My sis and bro in law, nephew and girlfriend, amongst others. We had a good spread. But with all the problems with propane we were unable to get very far on the cooking. We continued the struggle and managed to have a nice meal by 730. My sister in law made a lemon pie. It was really bad. Sorry Dee. I actually remade a lemon pie on Christmas. And I have to say, she was in a strange kitchen and no prep done. So I dont blame her. Though mine was way better. We still had fun and the meal was ok. But, it is cold in here without heat.
Would have been great if we had access to another oven close by. Unused. But that isnt happening. No nice people to help us.
After everyone left, Emily and I wrapped Some gifts and went to bed. Michael went to a friends house, they have a party every Christmas Eve for all friends. Marika stayed up so she could give her brother a ride home from the party.
I was unable to sleep and had to take a pill to knock me out.
Marika went to pick up Michael at 130am. They got home at 4am. Nice. Wish I was still young and strong. My children are crazy. I never sleep well when they are out screwing around.
Plus I have to listen to them come home so gently at 4 am. “Trying” to be quiet. Stop trying.