Day of Rest

Today is supposed to be a day of rest. I have been sleeping so poorly all week I had hoped Sunday would be my savior. Not so lucky.

I have been waking up at 5 to 515 all week and its been miserable. I have not been able to catch up on sleep. Even Saturday was a buat. So all hopes placed on Sunday. We got home late last night and we were exhausted. Emily was not going to yoga Sunday morning. Sounds good. Except my damn dogs. The stupid shits started howling, yes howling at about 7 am. I was sound asleep, now not. Only way to shut them up was to get out of bed and let them out. Which takes five minutes cause we gotta wait for them since we dont have a fenced yard. By the time the little cretins get back in I am awake. I hate them.

Moved on to usual morning rituals. Plus a Sunday paper. Not notable. Except for q cool artist cle in the Food section on how to make a perfect Beef Wellington. We will need to try that.

We got ready and went grocery shopping. Just stuff for the week not any Christmas shopping. Kind of a regular store trip, nothing out of the ordinary. We did buy a boneless pork roast for carnitas or chile verde.

We got home and Emily decided to clean the fridge out before putting away the groceries. So its clean. And she gets to exercise her OCD nature. Win win.

I went out to the pod and brought in our tree. Its plastic and lasts forever. I love it. Its pre lighted and in three pieces and I dont have to buy one every year. Its 15 years old. It drops no needles. Anyhow, I set it up. Its the 17th of December but we got a tree. Feels more like Christmas already. We spent an hour decorating the tree and the living room. Quite festive. Santa ready for sure.

Next up, wrap everything not yet wrapped. Once you have a tree it needs gifts, right? So we wrapped. Alot. I am sure it was two hours worth at least. But the bonus is our tree. Its full of gifts and looks all Christmassy. I love it. Will have to put a picture in a later blog post.

Thats most of my day. After yesterday we need a slow day. We made deied chicken for dinner, which we both love. Emily did a nice job on it. Broiled asparagus on the side. No dessert, our weight cant afford frequent desserts. No matter, dinner was still fantastic. After dinner we watched a little TV. We skipped the annual showing of Sound of Music in favor of some forgettable reruns of old sitcoms. Got reruns of Last Man Standing which is very good.

Emily was too tired to stay up any longer so we headed to bed around 930. She is snoring next to me right now. Why would tonite be any different? I am staying up long enough to finish this. I am hoping I get to sleep in tomorrow morning. Emily is on vacay sonthere is a chance. No alarm. Sounds good. Goodnight.