Hangover Sunday

I was so busy yesterday I did not have a chance to have a post vacay hangover. Most people have that surge of sadness after their vacation is over. Disappointment, etc. Maybe a little intestinal discomfort too. Hangover. Oh yeah, a wish you never came home and lived in vacationland forever. I think visiting is more fun than staying. It’s the having to return to reality that makes the trip more fun. My sister would say boring, but Doriene is an idiot.

We got up sorta late, Emily is going to yoga. I am going to Sunday paper and coffee. I was downstairs while she was getting ready, feeding dogs and making coffee and making oatmeal for her. She yelled down, I’m not going to workout. Had something to do with her feeling ill (see above). So no big, she came down and we read the paper together. Slight change of plans.

Turns out Emily is hooking up with her sister in a few. Lunch, pedicure, yak yak. I choose showing the house and sitting around. Which is boring, and for once I agree with my stupid sister.

I have two prospective buyers coming to look at the house. At 1130 and 12. The first agent is in the driveway now. Not moving. Must be waiting for her clients.

This really cuts into my day. I was supposed to be cruising from the Sacramento River through the Delta to Emeryville on board my friend Renee’s boat. But, these lookers have to be satisfied. And only I can satisfy a buyer.

So my day can not start till these people leave. The first agent appears to be leaving now. No. She only reparked. And clients are late.

Good news. Three sets of prospective buyers are coming. Not just two. F bomb. I have things to do you know. Too much talking. Too much pretending. I hate this shit. I have to lead these people around my house and property and answer their stupid and innocuous questions while they make the occasional snide remark about my house. Doesn’t that sound fun. And I have to be a gracious and cheerful host. Which, as all my friends know, is real easy for me. And I cant do any swearing. Which is impossible for me. Anyhow, I am waiting on number three.

I have one quick errand to run today once these losers are gone. Which will not be soon enough. I hate that woman Kris Katzakian, broker for our agent. Duplicitous liar and real estate state broker. She is here. If her lips move, it’s not true. I do all the showings and she yells at me. That’s her job. I don’t do as well as her. Too f…in bad, I Sinatra it all. That means do it my way. I can’t wait till she is out of my life. And maybe dead. From natural causes, of course. Like getting run over by a steam roller. Twice.

Two showings so far. Both told liar Kris they were not interested. Good for them. The third agent is here getting a dose from liar Kris. I can see her lips moving from here. Poor bastard has no idea what he is dealing with. I just want to be done.

Ok. Third is done. Had some interest maybe. I don’t know. Or really care. I get to have my day now, at 2 pm. I missed a boat trip with Bob and Renee to do this house crap. I coulda been on the delta and headed to the Bay right now. But noooo! I gotta do this crap. I am going to head to Vacaville and my errands. Gonna take Marikas new convertible out. Sadly, still parked here. That will be fun.

One errand is all. Tried to exchange a shirt at the outlets and Tommy did not have any in the color I wanted. Plenty of others just not the one I had. Guess I picked a popular color. There is a small hole in the pocket. I will just have to see it up myself. Oh well. Was a nice day to ride around with the top down, her “new” car is an S2000. I get her to interested in speed and handling Donnie Marika wants both. Can’t blame her. It is a blast to drive. My sister would say boring but she smells. Bad.

Blasted up 505 to home. Did I mention the car? 240hp and 2800lbs. Nice combo for quickness and speed. Fun to drive, quickly. Got home, sat down, and Emily got home right then. With some groceries. Something for dinner and some other things we now have a lot of.

It’s only 415 so I think we need to find something else to do. I am going to go pick up prescriptions for Em and I. That will kill a little time.

So I picked up the Rx. I drive the convertible. It’s a Sunday car and it is Sunday. Fun to drive everyday just not practical every day and it’s not mine.

I am not really sure what I did when I got home. The entire afternoon is a blur. Emily was watching TV. I don’t know. We did take out the brand new Veggie Bullet Emily bought. It’s kind of a slider shredder for veggies and cheese and meat. To me it really looks a lot like a Cuisinart food processor. Repackaged. We used it to make cauliflower rice and Emily used the rice to make “buns”. We can make hamburgers and use them as the bun. We find they are better tasting than bread buns. We have used the same process to make a pizza dough and we really like the end product. The pizza does taste better. And we don’t make vegetarian pizza either.

I started on dog dinner while Emily was doing the cauliflower thing. Fed dogs. Then started on dinner. Emily had bought a pre packaged “fresh food” dinner. Comes all in one package meat, veg and potatoes. It was ok but I think I could have made better on my own. Although it was pretty cheap. The meat was also a prime level, which I could see as well as taste. And it was very quick. Score one for Emily.

With dinner done it’s 8pm. So we can either watch more TV or go to bed. Will see which way this goes. I vote for bed. We were both very tired today. It is Hangover Sunday after all.

So Emily thinks TV watching and dessert. So that’s what we’re doing. Ice cream and Shark Tank. Who knows, I may still get to go to bed tonight.

First Day Back

I am writing this very late. And by late I mean later than I usually create my daily entry. It’s Sunday and I am writing yesterday, Saturday, our first full day back. We both returned from our separate trips on Friday.

Today, Saturday,(to remind myself) we got up extra late. It’s not as if travel itself is strenuous, but I was really tired. For me, I only need now the lawn, 2 hours, and go into Vacaville and buy a new phone. Because I washed my phone in the ocean. Because my memory is bad and I forgot it was in my pocket. A $250 mistake plus the extreme hassle of trying to use another phone as my own. Which screws up me and the person letting me slip my SIM card into their phone. Let’s move on, I do obsess.

The lawn is the usual. All I need to do is make a 30 min round trip to the gas station since I’m out of gas. F bomb. That’s done. Not exciting. Gassed up. Off to the lawn. I mow everything – dog poop, toys, branches, whatever gets in front of me. I want to get done. It takes about two hours for the 3 acre home footprint. The house is surrounded on all sides by lawn. I dump all the clippings, a f bomb load, out in the unplanted field on the west side of the house. They get plowed in later by Brian our farmer. For those of you from town, there is no such thing as a green waste container out here. I would need 5 to 10 if there were. Nothing exciting to report.(Dorine). Lawn mowed.

I had not showered yet. So, coach sent me to the showers. While I had been mowing, Emily had gone to school which means six hours minimum of work for her.

After clean up, off to Vacaville. Bought a new iPhone 6 to replace the 6s. The 6s was $200+ more so screw that. The sales associate did not want to go thru a full restore (asshole) so I left with an activated unrestored phone. He gave me a good 15 second lesson on restoring the phone. You know, that just does not seem enough.

I went to Emily’s classroom after. I took her lunch, hot pastrami sandwich for those who care. I set a leave now alarm on her phone and left. Don’t want her to overstay her welcome.

Went home and started my first attempt at restoring my phone. By the time Emily came home a couple hours later, it still was not restored. Surprise.

We went grocery shopping. Without a list. We purchased a lot of stuff. Almost all of it we already had. Emily is the queen of “no list” shopping and this trip is a great example of why a list is important. Whatever. To home.

Dinner. I cooked Chipotle Pork chops with mozzarella broccoli. We skipped the salad. I also added a couple whiskey sours. You need a daily dose from the chocolate and alcohol food group. Check the pyramid, it’s group number 5.

That’s the day folks. From memory. We went to bed early. I wish it was more exciting (Doriene) but that was my day.