Not Another Thursday

Today is going to be busy. Not like yesterday, fortunately, but lots to do. I have a meeting here at he house at 8am. After that I drive to Berkeley to pick up furniture, come home, unload and go to work. And do regular work. A lot of driving, but no meetings that suck the life out of me.

I was right, I am here in the office and its 645pm and still nose to the grindstone.

The appointment this morning was with a hardware store owner. He does not really like how his current CPAs handle his accounting. He showed me his records. Told me a long sordid tale of the other accountant. And then, I told him how we do things. He was very happy. I do things as he wishes the old guys did. But they are hopelessly old school and unwilling to live in this century. Good for me, this guy is not a new client yet but I can’t see how it’s not going to be a done deal very soon. I wish all sales calls were like this. He also will set up my store house account again and I get hardware at cost. Hurray for me. Can you say win win!

Off to Berkeley a little later than I wanted, 930. Uneventful trip, truck ran great, traffic was very light. Got there in under an hour. Got loaded and tied down in 15 mins and back on the road. Return trip was exactly the same only I drove slower. Perfect.

When I got home, I could not unload the mirror, too heavy for one. Roomie Trisha was outside looking for the feral cats, still, as she was when I left. She really wants those cats.

I went to work and arrived by 1 pm. I had one short meeting waiting for me, Hal, same guy from yesterday. Only a half hour needed.

After that the whole day was eaten up with administrative work, payroll and phone calls. I did a little paid work as well. Not much. It’s 7pm and I need to get home. Roomie Trisha wants the animal trap to get the ferals. And she is anxious to start. I am off.

Got home around 745. I can’t seem to find the animal trap anywhere. I know where it was last, out by the almond tree. We had been trying to catch a feral that was peeing all over the porch. We didn’t catch it. But that’s where the trap was last as far as anyone can remember. I asked around. Of course it’s dark here right now, and that isn’t helping. I am going to wait till the am to keep looking. Easier in the light of day. I texted Trisha but no reply. She isn’t so good with text etiquette.

I have time now so I had dinner, same thing as last night, and finished he morning paper. That was interrupted by my early appointment. It was the Cars section, it is Friday, so it was nice to read with no time crunch.

There was laundry to fold, dogs went out a couple times, I looked at a few websites, ordered some dog meds (damn old dog$) that’s about it. Did the dishes. Now going to bed. Big day full of chores tomorrow.