My day started early and never slowed down. It felt like tax season. More on that in a bit.
Emily is heading out for yoga camp this afternoon. It’s like space camp, only for adult women. I got her breakfast and coffee and out the door to work.
I have meetings all day so I did not get to sit around. Got ready for my day and head out. One problem, my car is still being worked on. So no car. And Dennis is picking up the S2000. So I have to drive the truck. Which is almost empty of gas.
So I took the truck. My 9 mpg F350. For a quick 100 mile round trip. I had to go to north Sac for a meeting. A couple, business owners want to do a comprehensive tax plan. My associate Hal and I met them at 11. Long meeting till 1245. We discussed every aspect of our plan and how it would work for them. It is a perfect fit and would work incredibly well. But no one makes big decisions that fast so we left. The place We were at is a truck shop, of sorts. While there I had a problem with my AC diagnosed so I could repair later. It’s nice to have clients who can do nice things like that. For free even.
We left. I asked Hal to go ahead to my office for our next meeting. It was at one. I had to get gas. The truck has two tanks. I put in 29 gallons. No problem. Headed off to my office. I was late, I had called the client, but he wasn’t there when I arrived. He got there about 115. This meeting was about the same as the first. Back and forth through his personal scenario, showed him how it would work for him. I know he understood because he mentioned how well it could work for his partner. Which is true, his partner owns several very successful businesses and has lots of taxable income. Anyway, the meeting easily lasted until 345. My how time flies.
After these arduous meetings, Hal decided we needed to discuss all our clients in progress on tax planning and all prospective clients just to keep up with where we are at. 2 hours later, we are done. As I said earlier, this day seemed like tax season. To the point, I spend my days during tax season talking to people – in person, on the phone, by text. I only get work done after 5pm. It sucks. Today was a day exactly like that. Except it was after six when I started to work. I did manage to get one tax return finished. Better than nothing. I left the office at 8.
I did receive one set of text messages right before I left. From our garage roomie, Trisha. Seems a family of feral cats has moved in under the house. Two kittens included, an orange and a black one. Trisha wants to keep all of them, upstairs in her apartment. It’s a little over the top. As a semi responsible landlord I can’t allow it. Trisha believes she would be a better cat owner than anyone else, or so she told me. Hard to argue with that, her cats are very well tended. But I can find good homes for them. I have done it many times with the many ferals we have had out here. I even kept two as pets. Marika has already found a nice home for the orange one just based on a picture. Trusha is giving her dog to her mother to make more room for cats. She told me she likes cats better. Me too. Her dog was a rescue and has been hard work for her. I am not sure she got the response from the dog that she wanted. Not for lack of trying.
When I got home I actually saw the kittens. The orange one is very cute. The black one just runs away. There is a mama but it is staying hidden.
I finally got to have dinner. Nice. Got the mail. Boring. Put my repaired cars in the garage. Yay. My evening has been shortened tremendously. I have to get to bed soon because I have an 8am appointment here at the house. After which it’s off to Berkeley. Then back and off to work. Gonna be another long day. But only one scheduled meeting. So I may be able to get some work done.
Tonight I still need to put together some expense info for our audit. The personal home office expenses. I hope it does not take too long. Bedtime awaits.