This Is the End

Finally, a Friday for real. Today is the last day of the work week. I need a day off. Especially after yesterday’s day off. That was work, considering all the driving I had to do. I am not sure why or how driving long distances can wear you out. It just does.

Not much going this morning. I had an early appointment to go to. I was running late, got out the door, he texted and cancelled. Yay team!!! So I had a leisurely drive to work.

I had another appointment, close after, he is selling his business for $4 million. He really wanted help structuring the sale payments. I offered to help him make it tax free. I think that’s better.

I worked for three more hours – had taxes to prep, my payroll to do, usual Friday crap.

At 330 my 10am cancellation came in. He was just coming in to figure out his year end and how to cut back on taxes. We discussed several options and he voiced his preferences. He is coming back next week to discuss a more comprehensive tax plan. I like that.

After he left at 430 I finished up another tax return. Then had a 45 minute phone call at the end of the day. Who the hell calls at 30 on a Friday? Jerk.

Drove home after the call. Lousy damn traffic, took over an hour to get home. Also a large car accident to deal with.

Emily and I went out to dinner, nothing special. It was late and we just wanted something to eat.

Home and to bed. I live on the edge.