So we slept in an extra 30. We’re tired. Sue me.
We drove about 387 miles today so far. With stops for dogs, gas, dogs and more gas.
The drive down 70 has been very smooth. Far better than the hwy 80 drive east. Road condition is immensely better and no road construction to speak of. Definite improvement. We crossed the Missouri River twice.
Not much to report. Sadly. Anyhow, we have stopped for lunch in Kansas City, KS. Joe’s Kansas City BBQ. The line is out the door. That’s a good thing.
The pictures food is ribs (great with or without sauce) and brisket (sauce needed). Both very good. And sides, cole slaw and BBQ beans, both excellent. I can recommend the place. He has a location downtown too.
We ate in the car so we could run the AC for the dogs. Would have preferred inside.
Back on the road, destination Denver. About 830 tonight we hope. It’s a fur piece from hereabouts. Michael is in a fine mood. Oh joy. Butthead. He never reads the blog I can say anything.
Btw, I need to mention for my broadway fan friends… everythings up to date in Kansas City, they’ve gone about as fur as they can go. They got a big theater… I think you know the rest.
The Kansas turnpike, I 70, has three lanes. I 80 has only 2. Does that make sense? The ride is very pretty. Rolling green forests and grasslands. Lots of water. Too bad it’s Kansas. If this were in CA it would be very expensive real estate.
Look at this:
See how Kansas just stretches to the horizon? This is my day. We just passed the Wamego exit. Take that exit, go north 10 mins and you are at the Oz museum. I wanted to go. Michael, no way. I like roadside attractions. I will probably never be out here again so I gotta go when I am able. Which, it appears, is not now.
Hey look:
No. Wrong. It IS a different picture. Just seems the same. Haha.
Stopped in another town at another gas station. We can’t just gas and go. We have to squeeze the trailer and car to a pump. Gas up. Park near grass. Leash up the dogs. Water them. Poop them. Then put out the water dish and water them again. Takes 10 to 15 mins every fill up. Four or five times a day.
OK. Question time. Every 25 to 30 miles since Illinois this morning there is a billboard. For some such or other adult store. Some are 75 feet up. Some ground level. All huge. What the hell is with the Midwest and adult stores? Why so many? How much adult merchandise can the Midwest use? I never see this in the western states. I am not judging, I am politely asking. Anyone?
I have been thinking. All day. Yes, my head hurts. I think that you will not find Kansas on anyone’s bucket list. It was on Dorothy’s, but she finally got there in the end.
Stopped again for gas. Read previous description of gassing up. I did that again.
We are in western Kansas. This state is far larger than I ever thought. It just goes on and on. Scenery has changed as well. Now, it’s barren, just rolling grass hills and no trees or bushes. We are pushing for Limon, CO, for tonight’s camp. That’s in eastern CO. On the way is a whole bunch of nothing. A few small towns. We seem to have Yelped a good restaurant in Burlington, CO. Called The Dish Room. Strangely it has a lot of reviews and rates 4.5 out of 5 stars. Food is American and Italian or so it says. All ingredients fresh and not too expensive. We are two hours away. One stop to make prior to getting there.
I have failed to mention a very prominent feature of the landscape today. I even woke up to find my camp was surrounded by it. It’s corn. Every time I look out the window I see corn See what a mean. I just looked up again. It’s as if the Midwest grows nothing but corn. Which may be true, I don’t know. I am surprised by how ubiquitous it is. Just saying.
I was just thinking as we were heading into our last stop before we eat. This last stop is for feeding the dogs. Probably the high point of their day. Besides breakfast. So we pulled into a Sinclair gas station at some unknown point in western Kansas. We always look for a very long spot on the perimeter to park. Easy on, pull straight out. Got a perfect spot with grass. We buckle leashes on each of the doggies because they would wander off. One of us, usu michael takes them on a short walk. I get out the water bowl and bottle of h2o and fill it. Then to car for bowls. Being old, all three have different diets. Then to hatch for dry food which I divvy up. Then to trailer, cuz I keep the ice chest there, and get canned food and plain yogurt. Each gets their share of specific food. Then to medicine chest. As I said, they are all old. Jaxon gets two meds and the other two one each. By this time they are back from the walk and I feed them. Of course, now I have to clean it all up and put it away. It was Emily’s idea to bring the dogs. Where is she? Oh yeah, still in Maine with no dogs. Good thing I love her. I took a few pics of this:
So I tried to get a campsite near our destination in Limon, CO. Seems the “wind farm” guys consumed all available spaces near there. So I tried What a GS nightmare. I tried online and after 4 attempts I called them. The idiot from the call center in the Philippines spent 20 mins trying to book then said I had to talk to service. I did. He spent another 10 minutes trying then said it was my bank. I called my bank, ” no problem here, me vivier”. What would captain obvious say? We were driving and stopped for gas. The card worked fine. I tried travelocity and booked a room in under a minute. This is why I drink. Two Margaritas at dinner.
We got to our first destination, The Dish Room in Burlington CO. Nice restaurant and really out of place in nowhere east CO. It would be more in line with the big city. I had an antipasto salad, very nice. And butternut squash enchiladas with a sweet corn tamale. Very good. Nice take on enchiladas. And the two Margs. Great dinner.
Off to Limon now. On the way. It was a long 50 minutes. I have pent up fatigue and was nodding the whole way. We got to the Limon Super 8. Not the finest but at least I got a room. The night manager said I was lucky. She charged for only one dog. Which is nice. Her dog died yesterday so she was a little down. Always sad when pets pass. Anyhow, I am lying in bed and ready to sleep. No reading tonight, just sleep. 5 am is early every day.