Happy 4th!! Today is Independence Day. So in honor of our freedom we are going to go do what we want.
A trip to Moxie falls this morning. It’s about a 1.5 mile hike to the falls. Of course, it’s a one hour drive to get to the trailhead. No worries.
After the hike we are going to stop at a brewery local to the falls and drink beer. Now that is an American tradition for the 4th.
Well it’s 1045. What are we doing?
Eating breakfast. Yes, we are slow. Emily is having gruel and Marika is having a peanut butter cookie.
I really think we are going to Moxie. Maybe soon. Of course I have thought that he last two days. This is like herding cats.
See, we got there. Nice walk too. Was a cool day with very few bugs. The falls are beautiful.
Lunch at Kennebec River Brewery which is about five miles from the Falls. Food really was fantastic. I can’t speak to the beer because I don’t drink it. Though everyone else had seconds on it. This an after lunch shot. I forgot to pic the food. Oops.
Drive back to the lake after lunch. I slept most of the way. When we got back we realized our short term renters next door had left. And left a huge mess. Definitely losing their deposit. Spent 2 hours cleaning that up.
We had planned cocktails at the Jervy’s and dinner at Dee’s house. I puréed some blueberries for the cocktails and made traditional daiquiris with blueberry purée. Quite nice.
We had stuffed scallops for an appetizer and this is dinner
For those who can’t see it, ribs, homemade beans and salad. We have homemade ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Isn’t vacay awful?