Still No Car.

Today I got my workout. I feel way better when I do.

Did I mention the shop did not finish my Fit? Only finished the new clutch on the S2000. Is like to pick it up today but having just called, it’s not done yet even today and won’t be till tomorrow. Christ.

Today was very like yesterday. Only I left at a normal hour. Went to work. Saw the same people. Did the same work. Nothing exciting. Too many damn phone calls.

I am prob going to pick up the other car tomorrow. Not sure if I have time. Em and I are going to Visalia for fake Thanksgiving and I may not have enough time to pick up and work and pack and leave early. Gonna be a busy day.

I am going to pack tonight so I am ready to go as soon as I get home tomorrow. Emily has done no pre work on that and won’t be home too early. It may just be a long evening in the car.

Well, I am going to bed. After some ice cream. Then bed.