Sunday is Dog Day

I woke up this morning, fitful night, and I was exhausted. I guess I am still sick. It sure feels like it.

Emily has energy. I woke first but she is going to go do yoga. I don’t have that energy. I do need that for tomorrow because I want to work out.

Emily drive me down to the mailbox so I could get the Sunday paper. These delivery guys have finally got the idea that I am a customer and three day’s a week they deliver. Only took three months for them to figure that out. Losers.

I had to walk back, of course. And being sick does not help. I was wiped out by the time I got to the porch.

So, instead of doing anything, I sat and read the paper and drank coffee. Not so strenuous. Marika up a little later. She did much the same.

I had promised last night to make corn beef hash. I bbq’d the meat last night with the roast. This morning I ran it thru the grinder, added the potatoes and onions and fried it up. Emily got home in time to have a hash brunch. I do add a fried egg or two on top to finish it off. Another family favorite.

We had our meal. I out did myself. I did all the dishes and started the washer. Then I sat down to rest. I am sick. Emily wanted help washing the dog so there goes a half hour. Finally done. Sat down to rest. I am sick. Emily wanted help trimming the dog. That was almost an hour. I am sitting down now. On the pot but will soon move to the living room. Maybe no one will find me something to do and I can rest. I am sick.

Ok, lying on the couch. Still need to wash my car. The sun is up high and it’s about 100. On its way to 103. I am going to wait till the shadows are long and temp is below 3 digits. There is no hurry. I might go run errands. Or not.

I slept about an hour. Look, Cissie, no hands! I napped! Can’t say I feel rested but I am not any worse off. The cat joined me on the sofa. She loves me for some reason, maybe letting her move in 6 years ago had something to do with it. That could be it. Or she just wants company.

Emily is going to run errands without me. Which is fine. I will sit here in the quiet. Resting. Maybe I can get better. I am still on to wash the car as soon as it cools a little.

She’s been gone for awhile now. I like it when it’s quiet here. Except for the sound of the ceiling fans, floor fan, and AC. It’s a hot day. But, no TV and no voices. Animals silent. Quiet. I am not sleeping, just sitting and doing nothing. What I am supposed to be doing, recuperating. I guess.

May go wash car in 30. Got to get that done. At 5 I went to wash the car. Just me, Em is still at the store. Getting groceries and etc. but, I need a clean car. Emily arrived home about the time I started in on the car. So I helped her unload and then washed the car. The stupid gray cat got out when I brought in the groceries which will become a problem later. Cuz the cat is a jerk off.

I finished up the car. Emily made chicken soup for dinner. We work well apart as a team. If you know what I mean. My work took awhile but my race car is now as beautiful as it was built.

Went in once all was put away. Had nothing else to do so I went back to sitting. Wife does not want me getting sicker. So she encourages my lethargy.

Dinner. Em made super spicy hot chicken soup. She believes it cures the common cold. Really. It is really good. And I do feel better. Soup is good food.

After dinner we sat and watched really awful TV. For an hour or more. I lost track.

At 8, which is about dark, we went to look for the gray cat. It’s best to get the cat in before Marika gets home. Tonight she works close and gets home late. She goes over the edge when her cat is outside late. If she ever has a kid it will be hell. For her and the kid.

After 20 minutes of searching, the cat just showed up. I have him some chicken. Reward for coming home. Lucky cat.

More bad TV. Em has some ice cream. I had more ice water in hopes of getting more healthy. Not sure it’s working but plenty of fluids is what I’m doing.

Emily has wandered off to get ready for bed. I am joining her very soon. Like when I finish typing this sentence.